There has been many consoles and add-on's, but what launch(released on the first or earlier day the system is released) game do you think defined it's console/add-on the best? Super Mario World(SNES)? Sonic Adventure(DC)? Project Gotham Racing 3(X360)? Sonic CD(SCD)? Something completely different?
For me, it has to be Luigi's Mansion, Mario 64 was virtually prefect, but it didn't show the what the system could do like Luigi's Mansion(SM64 only showed what it needed to do

What is your pick?
(07-24-2013, 11:43 AM)Neweegee Wrote: [ -> ]There has been many consoles and add-on's, but what launch(released on the first or earlier day the system is released) game do you think defined it's console/add-on the best? Super Mario World(SNES)? Sonic Adventure(DC)? Project Gotham Racing 3(X360)? Sonic CD(SCD)? Something completely different?
For me, it has to be Luigi's Mansion, Mario 64 was virtually prefect, but it didn't show the what the system could do like Luigi's Mansion(SM64 only showed what it needed to do
What is your pick?
Launch title, huh? Well, it narrows a lot of things down, but I would say that
Luigi's Mansion and the
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess are my favorites.
Luigi's Mansion is by far my favorite launch title. Hell, it's one of my favorite games.
(07-24-2013, 12:46 PM)Kriven Wrote: [ -> ]Luigi's Mansion is by far my favorite launch title. Hell, it's one of my favorite games.
How about that? I have a hunch that this is going to be a very popular choice in this thread! Since it stars Luigi and tries out something new as far as the Mario games go, that game deserves a lot of respect! It beats saving a princess and stomping on turtles, that's for sure!
Even the sequel is very good! What other launch title could top that?
Super Mario World. Played it far more than any other launch title. I've never gotten a system at launch though.
Forgot SMW was launch. Looks like I'll have to look at the history of launch titles to get a more comprehensive list here, since I've played just about every major league system at some point.
Luigi's Mansion and Super Monkey Ball for the Gamecube.
Ignoring the obvious joke, Sonic 06 was not a launch title. Though I imagine the game has had plenty of "launching".
(07-27-2013, 12:12 PM)AuraLancer Wrote: [ -> ]Ignoring the obvious joke, Sonic 06 was not a launch title. Though I imagine the game has had plenty of "launching".
...I don't get it.
It's been launched...
into the trash
out the window
under a passing train.
Come up with some of your own.
i thought sonic 06 was a launch title for xbox 360? o.o
regardless i was joking so w/e :V
Super Smash Bros Melee, maybe? I swear I've read that that was a launch title, but I could be wrong.
I haven't played any launch titles (let alone at launch) except for OoT 3D, although as far as I am (which isn't very far) it's one of my least favourite LoZ games (I'm more for the top-down handheld ones).
I'd probably say Little Inferno, if it counts. I own the PC version, but its Wii U version was a launch title for the console, and afaik the only difference is controls.