For some reason, your goblin looked like it came straight out of Hi-Hi Puffy Ami Yumi.
His idle pose is quite fluid, actually. I like how you left his limbs sketchy.
Aha, thanks E-man. it's been ages since I've seen Puffy Ami Yumi. O:
here's an update:
![[Image: pbqz.gif]](
I decided to make him bounce back and forth to make him seem more eager to destroy things. I still need to fix his legs up and his arms, though.
The previous idle pose was fine as it is, but this one is much better!
For a word of caution, Sketchasaurus, don't always try to fix anything that doesn't need fixing. You did great by adding that extra kick in that idle animation, but I just wanted to give you the heads up so you don't exert yourself too hard on any other sprites you do in the future.
Anyway, I havn't been watching a whole lot of television in ages, but I remembered having a blast watching a fe of its episodes. Which ones did you enjoy watching?
maybe you should define the legs a bit more, because they look a sausage that is upside down...
EDIT: forum glitchhhhh. it seems you have fixed that problem in the updated version so nevermind i guess. also e-man, lets not digress. pm him about it if you are that curious
Thanks for the input, guys. I don't feel like I'm exerting myself yet, but I always want to push my limits with each new sprite; as it is in lifting weights, the more you exert yourself, the better you'll get. There's always a point where you shouldn't push that hard, but I don't feel like I've gotten there yet.
I'm still having fun with working on this sprite, so I'm still pluggin' away.
![[Image: h6j.gif]](
I removed the heel movement on his right (our left) foot since it looked a bit odd and didn't add much to the animation. the more I polish it, the more I am starting to be proud of the results. I should start working on the forearms, shield and weapons.
you should move the eyes and the hair around more, unless you were planning to do that
I tried making the bangs move around, but it started to interfere with the readability of the face and overall make things look off, so I'm leaving the hair as is, for now.
here's a still of the Non-goblin version of the character:
And here I've been playing around with simple parallax scrolling
![[Image: 69t.gif]](
I realize that I've never tried making isometric sprites before, I've gotta say, having the grid there really helps!
![[Image: nx7w.png]](
looks pretty nice! Though idk how you'll be able to recycle tiles with that amount of detail (assuming you are making a tileset)
Thanks Gorski; I don't know how I'd recycle them either if I were to make a tileset. I honestly don't know how I'd set up a tileset of Isometric sprites, especially considering the fact that this is really the first time I've actually made sprites with this perspective, I've always prefered the standard platformer perspective so this is new territory.
Did you intentionally make the highlights follow the grid?
in a really rough way, when making an iso tileset, you need to acknowledge that the 'tiles' here are isometric cubes. Imagine a lego building, for example, you'll see that each 'piece' occupies a roughly cubic space in the 'grid'
equally, when making an iso tileset, you need to see the buildings in cubic pieces, this way you'll be able to create tiles that can be seamlessly pieced together.
though as i said, this may not be the objective in your work, it looks nice either way. how about color variations to experiment? the current one looks god for canyons but how about making normal dirt, cave dirt etc.
Yeah, I wanted to make sure that the lighting was consistent and that the angle would also be such, though it does make some bits of it seem a bit "manufactured"
So, in theory, I would split things up based on which way the normals are facing
or I'd split tiles up into chunks.
I'll definitely be giving other types of rock features and other settings a shot, seeing how I'm going to be using isometric sprites for concept artwork.
I don't want to make a new topic, so I'll post some stuff that I've been fiddling around with here.
These are actually not very new (I've had them finished since at least May of 2013)but I'm only now choosing to post them. But I've been messing with tile optimization and finding fun ways to speculate how these sprites would fit on an actual NES cartridge.
The theoretical game itself would most likely be an early-to-mid NES game with somewhat simple graphics (very few programming tricks to be found here)
and it would look like the following (it's an animated mockup of the title screen):
Sheet and tiles:
Here are the Fellas from the vid (I've been working on some more sprites for them and tweaking others that aren't in this sheet)
![[Image: AEJDS1s.png]](
And here's a boss:
![[Image: 38tcasI.png]](
and the following is what they would look like in-game with a palette applied to them.
![[Image: xLtqvT4.gif]](
![[Image: XH2gIgQ.gif]](
Roar/Breath weapon:
![[Image: W4n40dR.gif]](
Looking pretty awesome, Sketchesaurus!
I've been practicing my super-deformed 32x32 sprites a lot lately for an aztec-themed Dig Dug-esque mockup, but I haven't really been able to capture the charm "games" like this had. To me, it looks like you're not overly-concerned with completely filling your 32x32 boxes and are using about 1:2.5 body proportions...interesting. Thanks for showing these! They were a great inspiration.
== EDIT ==
![[Image: beforeafter_by_dragondeplatino-d7g2pmp.png]](
I must have struggled with this sprite for at least 2 days, but after I studied your Fighting Titan sprites, I immediately revisisted it and improved it a thousandfold times in like 15 minutes. Again, I can't thank you enough for getting me out of my artistic slump.