This is a topic about movies you think don't get any love for one reason or another. Perhaps the critics hated it. Maybe it was a box office bomb. Either way here you can share how much you love this movie!
Oh and don't post a movie that made a ton of money but people on the internet hate it. That doesn't count. Ahem, so why am I posting this topic? Well I happen to love movies and I'm hoping to learn of some new perspectives. So go ahead. I'll post a ton later but for now I want to here your beloved-unloved movies.
Let's seee
Dino Time (Hey this movie tried it's best and i shed a tear by the midway end)
Cry Baby (It did made a chunk of money but nobody i know even talks about it or don't even know about the movie. John Waters is a great director)
I don't get why this got so much hate.... it's no masterpiece, but if you see it as a spoof, it's funny as hell and pretty original for what it is.
I here people say Battlefield Earth is appreciated as a "So bad its good" movie. Same with The Room or Troll 2. Brilliant in their awfulness.
So here's a movie no one seems to appreciate: Mars Attacks! I love this movie. It's both a satire on blockbuster USA save the world type movies, but it's also a great tribute to Ed Wood of Plan 9 from Outer Space fame.
I think most people don't get the joke. On top of this the movie makes fun of everyone, from Southern trailer trash to Liberal hippies. It hits everyone so maybe that's another reason why people didn't like it. Tim Burton's very strange sense of humor shines great in here. Before he started making lackluster films that were all the same, this one is really original.
Mars Attack is a great movie!

Artificial Intelligence.
I've recently just found out about it, I actually discovered this movie via a
song on Youtube.
Dunno if it truly is under appreciated, but I've never heard of it and it seemed to have gotten some dodgy reviews. I think its a wonderful film.
Not really sure whether this is unappreciated or not, but The Great Race was pretty great. My dad showed it to us and while the comedy is pretty cliche and old-timey, it's still quite chuckle worthy.
It's certainly forgotten. Yes this was the movie that inspired the Wacky Races and it's title character Dick Dastardly!
Great movie, terrible trailer. Eh they really didn't know how to make trailers back then.
Here's a film most of you most likely NEVER heard of: It involves a flying disc, a princess from another world, a space fortress that changes it's position each day, and the villain's weakness is the power of love. Oh, and horses who run so fast their feet catch on fire that enables them to fly!
It's a really good B movie. Shame I forgot it's name, it was entertaining at the least.
That's Krull, Gaia. Very campy, low budget, but cool concepts.
Some from my childhood that are not TOTALLY unappreciated, but not enough people I know talk about includes The Dark Crystal, The Secret of NIMH, Watership Down and the Ranken Bass version of The Hobbit, though if you look that one up the DVD release for some reason cut out all the cool 80's sword sound effects, making many parts unfortunately silent.
I'll think of others and post clips when I get home.
Krull is a cult classic to say the least. Got to give that a watch again.
Anyway one that I find in a very tragic position is the Flintstones. People seem to hate it for some reason, but in my opinion it is the very best Cartoon-to-Live Action adaptation ever. I can't think of any other film that manages to capture the original source of the cartoon so well. Eh maybe Speed Racer.
Now nothing seems to want to be true to it's cartoon source. Look at things like the Smurfs... and try not to commit suicide. Honestly I used to love the SMurfs cartoon. At one point the idea of a Smurfs movie would have filled me with joy. A fantasy adventure for the whole family, taking place in the grand kingdom that the Smurfs, Gargamel, King Gerard, Johan & Peewit, Lord Balthazar, Bigmouth, and so many more live.
Why the hell did they need to send them to New York? Why did it end up the way it did? Ugh... there was so much potential...
The Flintstones movie was indeed quite well done. Although I don't think I saw all of it, I saw bits of it and also Viva Rock Vegas, and they're both pretty accurate. Everybody has the same character as the cartoon, and everything's how it should be (foot-powered car, etc).
One cartoon-to-movie adaptation I can't stand is Dragon Ball Evolution. I didn't even watch past the first 10 minutes, it's just so, so wrong. All they've done is essentially slapped the names onto characters that faintly resemble those in the cartoon. It's probably fine as a movie in its own right, but just calling it Dragon Ball makes it that much worse.
I grew up watching the sequel of the Flintstones. I thought it was cheesy as a kid but years later some parts are pretty nostalgic like it's first movie. Good times.