Hi! I'm sure nobody remembers me, I was here for like a month. But uh, I've been spriting again recently, so I felt it was time for me to come back here.
I don't think a reintroduction is necessary. You guys will learn who I am as time goes by because I have a feeling I'm staying around this time. All you need to know is I sprite and make games.
Ok see you on the forums!!!
I remember you, although I don't think I really got to know you (probably due to my absence in the spriting forum).
In any case welcome back and hopefully you'll stick around for a good while!
Eh, I don't think I posted too much, was the thing! I'll try and change that this time around.
I remember you, you are Crappy Blue Luigi's buddy
you guys were making that beat em up
great to see you back, stick around this time

Nah, haha. He was making the Beat Em Up. Gatsby the Crab was just one of the main characters. To be honest, I never cared for that project much if at all, I just let him use my character.
But yeah, I'm Crappy's buddy. And I believe he doesn't go on here anymore, so I didn't feel like mentioning it. haha. Don't worry, I'm probably sticking around this time.
Welcome back! Yeah, I definitely remember you!
Every time I would see a preview for the new Great Gatsby movie I would always be reminded of you!

Aww, haha. I'm flattered, for some really strange reason.
That was a great movie, by the way.
GATSBYYYYYYYYYYYYYY *hugs the adorable little classy crab*
I missed you~

Aww haha I missed you guys too!
Don't worry, I don't think I'll be leaving anytime soon.
Welcome back Leonardo DeCrabio!
(get it)
((because he was the main dude in the Great Gatsby movie))
(((except I made it into a crab pun)))
Yes you didn't have to explain it now it's not funny. )':
(just kidding don't hurt me)
((nice to see you again))
(((you never play Wii U with me)))
(08-27-2013, 03:55 PM)TheGreatGatsby Wrote: [ -> ]Yes you didn't have to explain it now it's not funny. )':
TheGreatGatsby Wrote:(just kidding don't hurt me)
((nice to see you again))
(((you never play Wii U with me)))
((I don't use the Wii U much any more whoops))
(((but i will once Smash U. comes out or Scribblenauts Unmasked or something)))