A long running battle about which is better, Sonic CD(US) or Sonic CD (JP/EU). What's the big difference? The Music. Sega of America hired some people to remake most of the game's tracks for the US release because they thought the music sounded too club like or something and they, as some may say, "messed up" the soundtrack of the game.
Personally, I think that the US soundtrack fits
the game better, as well as it sounds less "creepy" in a lot of places than the JP/EU version. So the US soundtrack gets my vote!
![[Image: output_yc4b_Ts.gif]](http://s7.postimg.org/bkfmxeyhz/output_yc4b_Ts.gif)
> "
What's your pick, bud?"
JPN/EU is the one I listened first and to me it seems to nail the original good Sonic-tunes better: atmospheric, memorable and catchy, also ranging from many kinds of styles. Most of the time US's tunes felt weird as replacement due not having much of structure tied to the levels' themes, + they don't also describe entirely what they are like/about as well as the JPN/EU-ones.
I'd never actually heard the Japanese soundtrack in full until I bought the Steam release, but it definitely fits the game much better. Especially considering that all the Past tracks in the US version of the game are just the JP tracks.
The one thing I will say though is that Sonic Boom is far, far, better than Toot Toot Sonic Warrior.
Other than that, JP Quartz Quadrant

toot toot sonic warrior is awful
I actually like that one :Y
It seemed more peppy
peppy's always fun : D
overall I like JP/EU's vibe to it better. It seemed less serious--which is a valid argument for why some prefer the US one. For me it's just personal preference.
I haven't played sonic CD in years and I've never heard the Japanese soundtrack. Is there a place where I can listen to both versions?
(09-06-2013, 12:18 PM)Neweegee Wrote: [ -> ]it sounds less "creepy" in a lot of places than the JP/EU version
(09-06-2013, 08:59 PM)Ton Wrote: [ -> ]I haven't played sonic CD in years and I've never heard the Japanese soundtrack. Is there a place where I can listen to both versions?
the steam versions offers both soundtracks, you can switch between em
also youtube
I actually... Prefer a little bit of both, actually! I've heard this argument several times, but I'd like to say that I really do enjoy both aspects of the US and JP/EU as each merits it's own little unique spin on the theme the song is supposed to represent. For example, the US track actually gives the existing OST an extra final boss track, even though it feels as though one of the easier final bosses in sonic history, and that they also gave us Sonic Boom. It would've been easier if they used the opening version of the song as for the opening while they left Believe in Yourself untouched, since the track's kinda grown on me.
The JP/EU tracks for the stages and regular bosses however do their part in comparison to the US counterpart, in which Stardust Speedway's Bad Future track became iconic as it symbolized a certain mettalic character and stuck with it ever since. As such, I enjoy the soundtracks for what they are (as well as I don't have to debate about what's my favorite version whenever this is brought up anywhere).
Thanks for reminding me of these soundtracks regardless! I've been listening to them for the past 3 hours

(09-06-2013, 09:24 PM)Sonikku Wrote: [ -> ] (09-06-2013, 12:18 PM)Neweegee Wrote: [ -> ]it sounds less "creepy" in a lot of places than the JP/EU version
That game over music is a lot like what I hear when I try sleeping without my medication...