Happy Birthday, Redblueyellow! Continue to be an all around awesome member!
Oh, and happy birthday to Yawackhary, too!
(Yeah, I can come up with amazingly original thread titles. :\/ )
Happyellow Bluerthdayawackhared
Happy birthday #ff0000 #0000ff #ffff00
Happy birthday first 3 main Pokemon colours in the US/EU I meant RBY, I hope you're enjoying today.
Also thanks, I've really enjoyed today. First I finally became a pinball wizard on the Black Hole at the Pinball Arcade, then I went shopping and got myself a few cheap original Xbox games and did a bit of looking around (just short of finding the last couple of 3DS games that I want, yes I've managed to get one 2 weeks ago). After coming back home and having a treat involving a freshly cooked chicken burger at the local cafe [it was to takeaway], just relaxed. Later on I'm going to be playing on the Wii U as soon as the GamePad is charged up and the console has done its update (should be around 10 to 10: 30 pm fingers crossed).
I'm sorry that I haven't been on here much this year, just been busy that's all.
Thanks guys, and happy birthday to you too, Yawackhary!

Glad your day is going well!
I've had a relatively quiet birthday this year, mostly celebrated with my friends last night and I'm planning to go somewhere for dinner that gives free food on your birthday.
I enjoy quiet birthdays though, so today has been excellent.
Happy birthday RBY and Yawackhary! Glad they're both going well!
HBD redbluyellow and Yawhackarry!
Happy b-day to two of my favorite submitters!
Happy Birthday people! Do something... fun!
Oh noes I'm late!
Happy Red BirthdaY to the tri-color runner and the man who hides in the past!
Well aren't I late to the party? Happy belated birthday to two of the best rippers I know.