Alright let's get this going.
Sprites Needed For Now:
Sonic CD
If this goes well, I'll start delevopment for extensive sheet with Sonic Advance/Battle Edits.
This is looking pretty awesome. I was wondering what happened to everyone over at MFZ.
Oh, good to see this come back. Just a thing, the big sprite in the start of the sheet seemed a little off to me, so I thought I'd edit it to look more accurate.
![[Image: 317i7wp.png]](
Well would you look at that.
I made these a year ago for a couple of animations.
![[Image: SonicAndMetalMinisheet.png]](
Not all of it is new, such as the sprites of him rolled up, but they're just part of the animation. The quills were meant to give a Sonic CD vibe but it shouldn't be too difficult to reverse engineer those. The shading on the metal Sonic changed but that shouldn't matter for a Sonic project.

Stopping by to say 'hey there!'.
Good to hear from you guys again.
Haven't been in, things continue to go south at my end but whatevs, life is life.
Will prolli cover what I can from here. Just don't expect miracles.
(09-15-2013, 06:03 PM)Gardow Wrote: [ -> ]Well would you look at that.
I made these a year ago for a couple of animations.
![[Image: SonicAndMetalMinisheet.png]](
Not all of it is new, such as the sprites of him rolled up, but they're just part of the animation. The quills were meant to give a Sonic CD vibe but it shouldn't be too difficult to reverse engineer those. The shading on the metal Sonic changed but that shouldn't matter for a Sonic project. 
This sheet looks good, the only problem I have with it is the black background. Nonetheless, if someone were to sprite the Sonic OVA movie, these would be useful, just saying.
To whoever's working on the sheet, keep up the good work and I can't wait to see the final product!
- Hunter
P.S: I know no one really cares, but I made this reply while listening to Russell Watson's "Where My Heart Will Take Me".
Somehow, I think there's a sort of coincidence or something like that there...
Guess I'll edit those later on for the sheet, then. Uh how does anyone feel about tier sheets?
Would make it easier to show exactly what the project sheet(s) need.
Mainly stuff from the older/handheld sonic games.
(11-06-2013, 01:06 PM)The Ninja Raccoon Wrote: [ -> ]Guess I'll edit those later on for the sheet, then. Uh how does anyone feel about tier sheets?
Would make it easier to show exactly what the project sheet(s) need.
Mainly stuff from the older/handheld sonic games.
Yes, I think that'd be a very wise decision.
Tier one is go!!
Uh to keep the workload flowing steady, I'll only release the next Tier sheet when this one is complete, and it'll go on 'til the sprites are all done. Kay? o:
Guess I'm alone on this one.
As usual.....
![[Image: s0_zps6fe71599.png]](
Not much done here.
Realized there's some stuff on the main project sheet that are like the sneeze and abouttotrip sprite.
and the fire alarm is on....
Most likely he'd need the S3C team's permission to use them. But what the hell did they do with the top spines? They look stupid.
And Super Sonic would eventually need a separate sheet if he's getting more than what we have now.
So is there a sheet for Sonic 1/2/CD Sonic and Sonic 3 Sonic? i'm seeing a lot of sprites based on both versions.
(02-20-2014, 02:20 PM)Ton Wrote: [ -> ]So is there a sheet for Sonic 1/2/CD Sonic and Sonic 3 Sonic? i'm seeing a lot of sprites based on both versions.
I remember that there was one being made by Deebs back at MFS before the forums shut down. I contributed a bit by making a variation of Sonic's head by splicing his waiting animation and the Sega CD bios as well as make a V-Sign pose