The thread to encompass ALL threads about this~
What are some of the things you've found out about games later, that you never actually experienced in game for yourself?
To offer a recent example, I never knew that there was actually a time limit on the Legend of Zelda the Minish Cap, regarding the bell tolling 3 times. I always just plowed my way through no problem, but if you fool around long enough....
did you guys know you can tongue up in yoshi's island
I used to blindly worship Miyamoto, thinking he was the one responsible for making all the things I loved. I would say while playing Paper Mario for the first time "Wow! Miyamoto is a genius!" only to find out he wasn't responsible for any of the things I loved. In fact he's actively fighting against those things!
i didnt learn about soda lake until i tried to 100% super mario advance 2 (like 4-5 years ago) and i by sheer chance flew to the secret exit leading to it
i always thought torpedo teds were just unused enemies
Teds are also used in the Ghost Ship.
(09-09-2013, 05:23 AM)Kriven Wrote: [ -> ]Teds are also used in the Ghost Ship.
Nope. Sunken Ghost Ship only has Bullet Bills. Torpedo Teds are exclusive to Soda Lake only.
Over a decade after playing Super Mario Bros. 3 did I find out about a secret portion of the Desert Hill map on the far right. Mind was blown.
samus is a girl
Seriously doe, that trick you could do with ness and samus in Super Smash Bros back in the 64 days had my friends and I giggling and blushing like the 8-9 year olds we were.
(09-09-2013, 12:10 PM)Gwen Wrote: [ -> ]Seriously doe, that trick you could do with ness and samus in Super Smash Bros back in the 64 days had my friends and I giggling and blushing like the 8-9 year olds we were.
What trick?
I can't remember exactly, but you use ness to shock her, pause the screen and BEHOL

Giant pyramid boobs.
As you can imagine, us 8-9 year olds were stunned.
(09-09-2013, 08:52 AM)NICKtendo DS Wrote: [ -> ]Nope. Sunken Ghost Ship only has Bullet Bills. Torpedo Teds are exclusive to Soda Lake only.
Over a decade after playing Super Mario Bros. 3 did I find out about a secret portion of the Desert Hill map on the far right. Mind was blown.
Oh... I could'a sworn they were in there...
I learned that there was a secret boss in Okami. I had played through it 3-4 times and a few years later I learn that you can fight a secret boss if you return to the windmill dungeon. Keep in mind that I was on New Game + (5th playthrough) at this point so I was OP'd and had a ton of items. The boss kicked my ass.
When I first played Kirby's Adventure, I went through the entire game without knowing about his copy ability.
(Although, sometimes I randomly got one without knowing how.)
(09-09-2013, 03:45 PM)Gwen Wrote: [ -> ]I can't remember exactly, but you use ness to shock her, pause the screen and BEHOL
Giant pyramid boobs.
As you can imagine, us 8-9 year olds were stunned.
Oh, that. Ha ha yeah, I always did that with Pikachu