I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, I really love DICE and feel like they're a perfect fit, and the Battlefield series in general. I think they'll only amp up what made Battlefront so great and throw in what makes their FPS's in general so rad.
I know, it's just a fear that they'll veer too much into "stormtroopers and rebel soldiers blastin at each other" style of things because that's all I've ever seen them do. There's also the fact that it's probably going to be first-person as opposed to third-person (because that's what DICE does), which means that, if there are Jedi heroes and other melee-based classes, they might be incredibly awkward to control, because FPS melee combat is rarely, if ever, done correctly. There's a few ways to circumvent that, like making it first-person or third-person based on which class you are, so there's that. It just worries me when the studio head basically says "think of it less as a sequel, and more as a re-imagining of what we think makes a good Battlefront game".
Anyway, sorry, this game's about dreaming up games that should exist, I shouldn't be shooting down dreams.

I'd Like an actual Super Mario RPG sequel
Exact same design and layout with new story, more battle features and real 3d Rendered graphics
You know what, just update the graphics of the first one and plunk it on on my 3ds
just use the bottom screen for menus or something, who even uses that screen anyway
I don't know why so many people want a sequel to SMRPG. The Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi series took the best parts of those games and perfected them.
Because I enjoyed the story and characters
and the Traditional Battle System is quite fun
The other Mario RPGs are fun too, but they aren't THE Super Mario RPG
As a matter of fact, SMRPG was the game that first really introduced me to the genre all together
Before that, I wouldn't give an RPG the time of day
Thanks SMRPG
An actual Sonic 4. Not that shitty iPhone game that they ported to other platforms, I mean a fully HD, -sprited- faithful sequel to the Genesis series.
Preferably with YM2612-based music, but I guess there are some things that'll never happen.
Also Sonic Adventure 3.
(09-14-2013, 08:16 PM)OH SNAPple Wrote: [ -> ]Because I enjoyed the story and characters
and the Traditional Battle System is quite fun
The other Mario RPGs are fun too, but they aren't THE Super Mario RPG
As a matter of fact, SMRPG was the game that first really introduced me to the genre all together
Before that, I wouldn't give an RPG the time of day
Thanks SMRPG
Just as I thought. It's just nostalgia. So many people want to see a new game like this but I think it would just be going backwards. You see I think SMRPG started off with some great ideas of how to capture Mario in an RPG setting, but wasn't perfected until Paper Mario.
The gameplay of the later RPGs managed to fully grasp the Mario style of attacking (the whole jumping on spikey enemies hurt). The very designs and world and characters of the later RPGs capture the Mario-esque mood too.
To go back to that style and gameplay would be like going back to make Mario platformers with the same physics as the first SMB. With the camera not going backwards and everything!
I think it's okay to want to have Mallow or Geno or whoever come back in some new game, that would be great! But to completely go back to that kind of gameplay and style just seems foolish.
(09-14-2013, 11:55 PM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ] (09-14-2013, 08:16 PM)OH SNAPple Wrote: [ -> ]Because I enjoyed the story and characters
and the Traditional Battle System is quite fun
The other Mario RPGs are fun too, but they aren't THE Super Mario RPG
As a matter of fact, SMRPG was the game that first really introduced me to the genre all together
Before that, I wouldn't give an RPG the time of day
Thanks SMRPG
Just as I thought. It's just nostalgia. So many people want to see a new game like this but I think it would just be going backwards. You see I think SMRPG started off with some great ideas of how to capture Mario in an RPG setting, but wasn't perfected until Paper Mario.
The gameplay of the later RPGs managed to fully grasp the Mario style of attacking (the whole jumping on spikey enemies hurt). The very designs and world and characters of the later RPGs capture the Mario-esque mood too.
To go back to that style and gameplay would be like going back to make Mario platformers with the same physics as the first SMB. With the camera not going backwards and everything!
I think it's okay to want to have Mallow or Geno or whoever come back in some new game, that would be great! But to completely go back to that kind of gameplay and style just seems foolish.
I'm gonna have to disagree. SMRPG was never part of my childhood and I'd really like to see another SMRPG. The gameplay of most modern Mario RPG's are very Mariocentric; even in Dream Team (where Luigi was given a huge role in the story) it's all about Mario with Luigi powering him up. Partners were more like abilities in Super Paper Mario, and Sticker Star didn't even have any partners! I think a Mario RPG where the battle strategies take a number of partners into consideration would be really cool.
Also I think the "Mario-esque" mood shouldn't be a restriction. I'm sure if Miyamoto wanted to make a SMRPG sequel he could make it feel like SMRPG while retaining the "Mario feel". Honestly I preferred the mood of SMRPG over M&L:BIS, though.
Edit: It's not like he's asking for a SMRPG series to replace the current RPG series. Heck, Nintendo could even collaborate with Square Enix and not have to sacrifice much dev resources at all.
(09-14-2013, 12:01 PM)Rλy Wrote: [ -> ]Another Castlevania game featuring Juste Belmont. Preferably one that retains the feel of HoD.
Oh my god you have no idea how long I've been advocating another Castlevania game featuring Juste. I mean, sure, he's supposed to be Alucard while not actually being Alucard, but I'd be damned if he wasn't a pretty great Belmont. Just imagine how much more he'd get fleshed out in a second game!!
While we're at it, I'd love to see that 1999 Castlevania game already.
(09-15-2013, 01:35 AM)Snegri Wrote: [ -> ]The gameplay of most modern Mario RPG's are very Mariocentric; even in Dream Team (where Luigi was given a huge role in the story) it's all about Mario with Luigi powering him up.
I just want to say that Dream Team is the most Luigicentric game aside from Luigi's Mansion that Nintendo has ever made. Luigi is clearly the star of that game, so I don't agree with that specific point ehe (but the rest I agree)
also just get me a console Pop'n Music and a new Ouendan and I'm set. (and maybe some sort of spiritual sucessor to Catherine that was nice)
They are having a Yoshi's Island game for the 3DS, its called "Yoshi's New Island"
(09-15-2013, 02:53 AM)Mutsukki Wrote: [ -> ]I just want to say that Dream Team is the most Luigicentric game aside from Luigi's Mansion that Nintendo has ever made. Luigi is clearly the star of that game, so I don't agree with that specific point ehe (but the rest I agree)
Like I said; he has a huge role in the story. Gameplay-wise I really felt it to be very much about Luigi giving Mario a Luiginary boost.
I had a dream where I was playing an HD remake of Pokemon RBG
that'd be cool I guess