since dumb mods locked my tropics i guess ill need to make the sprites mysel f

loks like making gren megamen spirits r to hard for tvgr...
il post my sprites soon
Well, if you're going to post your sprites, great! While I am questionable about you due to your behavior on this forum so far, maybe you'll make up for it by posting some sprites we want to see. Just keep in mind that since this board is mostly about critiquing sprites, don't get too discouraged if someone points out how your sprites would look better. As long as you take critique pretty well (you don't have to accept it with a smile, but don't whine about it a whole lot), I'm sure you'll find no problems here.
so im showing my letest sprits i love ssb and mario
im submit it on tsr
i finally am ready to submit to tsr here is mario spirits
more coming soon
Hmm...I think this sheet needs some work...but I can't make heads or tails of it. I feel like there needs to be several extra frames.
Can someone animate Mario's walking animation, just to confirm my doubts (and so it's easier to give feedback regarding this sheet regarding the needed tweener animations)
I'm not really that experienced with my artist-babble, so I'll leave that up to a more experienced pixelartist to pick out potential issues with coloring and such. For what it's worth, I can say that pillow-shading's a big no-no in pixelart; you may want to experiment with lighting sources (or at least google guides on working with it)
PS: Don`t use the green guy in the animation!
thx "Kosheh" you have been more gentle than those retarded mods out their.

there always locking tropics and deleting my sprites there all bunch of SHIT!! (yes i said it)
(10-02-2013, 01:35 PM)KevinTriebel Wrote: [ -> ]locking tropics
Donkey Kong Country Returns: Locked in the Tropics
can someone remove my wanrnig plz t
This...isn't even the right forum for this.
This is for an existing project with already completed sprite sheets of Mario, not "hey i like smash bros pls look at my spirits". Can a moderator please take the proper action for this post?
PS: Don`t use the green guy!
Moving to Spriting and Pixel Art.
I merged the tropics. Don't make so many new threads. Warned again.
O well. mods always changin my tropics.......

at least i can finaly get critisism on my mario sprite.

whoever this is has the whole kevin triebel thing fucked up
kevin triebel never said 'tropics' that was lucoshi, kevin triebel is the guy who said 'don't use the green guy' on his mario enemy sprite list and darkshon/suigin called him hitler and he replied 'why you call me hitler' and suigin deleted the post (probably so he wouldnt get warned by the mods) and has been an inside joke since then
the last time kevin triebel was seen anywhere was in early 2009 though he was seen updating his games in mid-2009
good try but not good enough.
Sonikku, resident expert on shitposters.
(also his IP is unique so whoever is either new or using a proxy)
to be fair i only know so much on kevin because i joined pixeltendo around the same time he did, so i was around for the whole shitstorm that happened at the time and all of the inside jokes from it.
only thing that could help prove whether or not this is actually kevin is if his ip were in germany; if it isn't then it's obviously not him