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I now have a Bulletproof adamant Chespin, Contrary Inkay, Clauncher, Dedenne (appropriately named Tinychu), and a female adamant Mawile with Metal Burst!
The Mawile took FOREVER, but I finally got it! It's stats are really great too : D
((even though I can't get adaptability Skrelp ;~

we should get some battles going
Woo got the patch. I had to change my 3DS region to Canada and back, but I got it.
(11-07-2013, 08:33 PM)Zac Wrote: [ -> ]we should get some battles going
Definitely! Although I still only have my story mode team to work with, just gotta catch and train a team up to 50+. Looking at your Link Battle wins record can be a little intimidating, especially when I haven't even formed a team yet.

I have been ev training and breeding for a while now. I had an Ursaring done earlier, but I fell asleep and my ds came unplugged last night. Have to do it again now...
The only thing I've disliked about the multiplayer battling here is that anyone who DOESN'T EV-Train and get that hardcore with it won't stand a chance. Everything's either OneHKOing or TwoHKOing your team, since they weren't raised with the "best" nature and given the "best" EVs. Sure, it's made easier, but not everyone cares enough to spend hours trying to get the "perfect" set for each Pokemon.
EV training has gotten nearly effortless in this game. The rest of it's still pretty annoying though.
Ivs are even easy now with the introduction of destiny knot always passing 5 ivs from either parent down to each kid.
Trying to recruit the future captain of my Army of Sparkles, Fabio.
Fabio is my future pink Ampharos of unspecified gender and nature. Most important thing is that he or she sparkles.
Let the Sweet Scent spamming commence!
(11-08-2013, 10:54 AM)Koh Wrote: [ -> ]The only thing I've disliked about the multiplayer battling here is that anyone who DOESN'T EV-Train and get that hardcore with it won't stand a chance. Everything's either OneHKOing or TwoHKOing your team, since they weren't raised with the "best" nature and given the "best" EVs. Sure, it's made easier, but not everyone cares enough to spend hours trying to get the "perfect" set for each Pokemon.
supertraining and exp share+hordes have made ev training super easy. with pokerus, the power item of the respective stat, you get about 50-60 evs per horde.
(11-08-2013, 12:56 PM)NICKtendo DS Wrote: [ -> ]Trying to recruit the future captain of my Army of Sparkles, Fabio.
Fabio is my future pink Ampharos of unspecified gender and nature. Most important thing is that he or she sparkles.
Let the Sweet Scent spamming commence!
Whoa, you're doing that too? I've been doing it for 3 days now, I really wish Mareep would be shiny already UGH.
Pokemon Rap with all 718 Pokemon by college humour really well done
why is bark the polar bear in this gam i need to kno thx
They pronounce so many of those names wrong ugh
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