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these are some awsome rips, good job!
Great stuff!
Terry von Feledae Wrote:It's Grungust day! Go team super robot!
[Image: srtoggrungusttype0iconkh3.png][Image: srtoggrungusttype1iconej8.png][Image: srtoggrungusttype2icondj4.png]
[Image: srtog2grungusttype3iconfw1.png]

I'm tired of Grungusts now. Particularily Type-3 and his oh-look-at-me-I'm-so-huge-my-tip-is-always-offscreen-blade.
So, time to rip some Einst.

I thought that the Grungust Type-1 and Type-2 were in OG2. Only Type-0 is in OG.
Type 0 appears only in OG, Type 1 and 2 in both OG games and Type 3 only in OG2.
These are great submissions. It must take you a while to rip these, yes?
Right. Haven't posted in a while, primarily because I didn't want to post before finishing SRX and the Einst -
[Image: srtogsrxiconmt4.png]
[Image: srtog2einsteiseniconwu2.png][Image: srtog2einstregisseuricozp5.png]
- but those rips took much longer than expected because I got distracted by something so much more interesting:

Super Robot Wars Original Generations / Original Generation Gaiden
[Image: srwoggthrudgelmiriconxt1.png][Image: srwoggneogranzoniconsg1.png]

PS2 sprites are rare, but really pretty. I've been trying to rip from this game for a while now, but never got anywhere until a person on another forum told me how to do it. Don't expect any OG/OG2 rips from me for now, as I will be busy with OGs/OGG.
Oh yeah, and while OGs and OGG are seperate games, OGG uses all sprites of OGs, so I consider them one in terms of sprites.
Very cool. Good work.
Your sheets always please me, Terry. Nice one!
[Image: srwoggalteiseniconwe5.png][Image: srwoggrguniconch7.png]

At some point, I will rip enough SRW sheets to warrant it's own subsection(sub-subsection?). I mean, Jump Superstars has one, so why shouldn't SRW?

Oh, a thing I noticed: Why are the OGs rips filed under OG1? Sure, it's a remake, but still a seperate game, particularily spritewise.
Eventually it will have its own section, once we split up the Anime section into sub-sections (It's greatly needed, I say)

Nice work!

As for your question on placing them in the same section; It'll be sorted once the subsection comes around Wink
I let my thread drop onto page 2? Oh well.
Super Robot Wars Alpha
[Image: srwadancougariconui9.png]
Super Robot Wars Original Generation Gaiden
[Image: srwoggcybustericonqi6.png]
I totally read that as Dance Cougar

Great job, really love these rips of yours Smile
Glad you didn't just disappear Heart
I should probably update my thread more often...

Super Robot Wars Alpha
[Image: srwagetterdragoniconed7.png][Image: srwagreatmazingericonik8.png][Image: srwagrungusttype2iconof1.png]

Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden
[Image: srwagdancougariconex9.png]

Next time, maybe some actual non-SRW-stuff. Maybe.
Looking good.
Great job! I love seeing SRW submissions, and I'm sure I'll love seeing anything else you submit!
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