10-23-2013, 03:38 PM
I can't imagine why they don't. Sure, it's tricky to use, but it works well as a poor man's Photoshop. Perhaps most users are either content with MS Paint or they're using something else, such as Photoshop or Paint.Net.
Quote:And these look okay to me
(11-04-2013, 02:06 PM)Goemar Wrote: [ -> ]Why did you post 2 of the same image?
(11-07-2013, 05:11 PM)Alexsani Wrote: [ -> ]missingno, I honestly don't feel like you are even listening to the advice people are giving here, let alone trying to implement any of them or even keep them in mind. You edited your first post with an update, but that is it.
I especially recommend reading Sevenstitch's comment above, he is making some very good points.
Also, read very carefully the SPRITING DICTIONARY sticky thread of this forum. In fact, bookmark it and check back often to remind yourself of the things it shows.
I posted the above picture so you could see what it is that you made, and what a mew looks like. Look at how they are barely even similar. Sprites are symbols, small representations of a larger image. So, it needs to reflect what the key details of the original image are.
Think about the major forms. Specifically think about:
1. how many animals you see with a cylinder torso 1/3 the width of their head
2. the size and shape of mew's feet
3. the shape of mew's head (is it a triangle with ears?)
4. the shape of mew's tail (is the width consistent throughout?)
5. does mew have arms?
6. what color is mew's eyes?
We are trying to help you, but if you aren't taking any of the advice to heart, both us and you are wasting our time here.
I'm not trying to patronize you, I am trying to help you. You are perfectly within your rights to not agree with us, but you should be willing to listen and at least consider what it is that we are trying to explain to you.
(11-13-2013, 07:32 PM)E-Man Wrote: [ -> ]Missingno, I like you and you have some good potential, but a lot of people are not very happy with you because you are not following their advice. If you take a careful look over the critique they give you and apply some of it to your work, then there would be less arguments going about in this thread.
Once you get that PC fixed, will you promise us that you'll take all this advice people busted their chops to give you?