There's already an axolotl Pokemon. I suppose there can be more than one but I usually encourage having new animals in here. If we are going to be having an animal that's already been done, it should have some sort of very big distinction between the two.
Oh hey, how about a fairy/ice type based off of one of those rag dolls in a dress that when you flip, it becomes another doll (I don't think theres a pokemon based on those)? One face is all sweet and inocent, the other is meaner looking, reflecting how fairies in tales are known to be mischievous. I'm thinking it could be a little humanoid like creature, somewhat like Flabebe, and it has a round dress like bottom making it somewhat resemble a snowman or sorts. Heres a little doodle I made to give a better idea.
![[Image: 2h6d8n4.jpg]](
So yeah, it's one pokemon but with two forms. The nice form could be pure Fairy/Ice where as the mean form would be Fairy/Dark I guess.
How about... a Tiki pokemon?
With, like, wings and a bird motif overall.
Takatorch or something.
Flying, Grass(because it's made of wood??? Anyone got any ideas :B)
First stage: Normal type Pokemon with a weak immune system
Second stage: Normal type Pokemon that is gravely ill
Third Stage: Normal/ghost type Pokemon
(11-03-2013, 10:56 AM)Trollerskates Wrote: [ -> ]How about... a Tiki pokemon?
With, like, wings and a bird motif overall.
Takatorch or something.
Flying, Grass(because it's made of wood??? Anyone got any ideas :B)
I've heard stuff about that and I've always liked the idea. Maybe fire/grass? It would definitely be a unique type combination that relatively makes sense.
I forget it's name, but i remember reading about a dragon in mythology that tried to become a god, but was ratted out by the sun and moon. As a result, it got split into two, but it still lived due to the fact that it had become a semi-god at that point, and constantly chases the sun and the moon.
I was thinking there could be two Pokemon based on that, a dragon head with a sun at the end of its "tail", and a tail with a moon for its "head". The head one could be Fire/Dragon, while the tail one could be Ice/Dragon. I'll probably make a quick sprite to show what it could look like.
![[Image: d3xqrGf.png]](
Dragun (Fire/Dragon) and Dragoon (Ice/Dragon)
Thats not bad, but Zekrom amd Resheram somewhat fit that bill of one dragon splitting up into two.
(11-03-2013, 06:35 PM)mutantyoshi Wrote: [ -> ]Thats not bad, but Zekrom amd Resheram somewhat fit that bill of one dragon splitting up into two.
That is true, but I was thinking more-so of it being a regular Pokemon than an actual legendary (If it was in a real Pokemon game the two halves would be version exclusives)
How 'bout a Glitch Pokemon? No, not referring to the likes of Missingno, I mean, an actual Pokemon based on glitches. Dark-Bug type.
Starts out as a small, mischievous, minor bug that likes to mess up with electrical circuits. Then becomes a malevolent error that can corrupt anything it sees.
(11-03-2013, 10:51 PM)SchAlternate Wrote: [ -> ]How 'bout a Glitch Pokemon? No, not referring to the likes of Missingno, I mean, an actual Pokemon based on glitches. Dark-Bug type.
Starts out as a small, mischievous, minor bug that likes to mess up with electrical circuits. Then becomes a malevolent error that can corrupt anything it sees.
Even though Porygon-Z is a glitch Pokemon, this is different enough to be unique.
Also, thought of a new Pokemon:
Clockpunk (
Steel), a small ancient gear-like automaton, evolves into Knaupunk (
Steel), a more humanoid robot (still gear-like and ancient tho), at level 30 before evolving via trading into Scrappunk (
Steel/Steel), a robot made outta sharp scrap metal. However, using elemental stones, Ropunk can evolve into different Pokemon (named after some scientists involved with the engines/power the robots are based off):
Fire Stone -> Boultpunk (
Water Stone -> Girpunk (
Thunder Stone -> Wattpunk (
Did you say Steel/Steel?
Well yeah. While some may see this as a disadvantage, it makes a 100% STAB bonus to Steel types moves! Plus, Steel is a type that tends to be a massive tank/shield, thus making the Pokemon an even bigger Thield!(Copyright Goomba do not steel.) As a result, it makes an interesting Pokemon.
![[Image: B8w2Dqb.png]](
Oh I should probably tell you guys this. Last time there was a lot of requests for branch evolution Pokemon but it got out of hand. I really think there should be only one or two Pokemon that can branch evolve so please choose wisely on what Pokemon you want them to be.
Time for some harsh critiques! Sorry guys...
Chaoxys: Your Ice Fairy based on those ragdolls you flip doesn't add up. Specifically, why would it be an Ice type? Does the doll have anything to do with winter or snow?
SchAlternate: Your glitch idea sounds like a combination of Rotom and Porygon-Z.
Goombaking: I have to say you're cog Pokemon seems too much like the Klink line. Also having double the same type seems pointless honestly.
(11-04-2013, 03:58 AM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Chaoxys: Your Ice Fairy based on those ragdolls you flip doesn't add up. Specifically, why would it be an Ice type? Does the doll have anything to do with winter or snow?
Nope, nothing to do with winter or snow. I mainly did that as a means to keep the two forms different from each other, but in the end I guess pure fairy would make more sense.
(11-03-2013, 11:21 AM)Phantom K Wrote: [ -> ]First stage: Normal type Pokemon with a weak immune system
Second stage: Normal type Pokemon that is gravely ill
Third Stage: Normal/ghost type Pokemon
What if in order to evolve the second time the pokemon has to faint in a battle?
For the flip doll, I was thinking this:
-Flip Forme:
Type: Ghost/Fairy
The flip forme has the appearance of a sweet angel, innocence incarnate. It has high Sp. Atk and Sp. Def. and is activated by using a Fairy-type move.
-Flop Forme:
Type: Ghost/Dark
The flop forme has the appearance of a naughty devil, a nasty fiend. It has high Atk and Def and is activated by using a Dark-type move.
Its ability is called Flipflop.
Oh, I didn't consider a ghost typing but it does sound interesting. I might tweak the design some later to fit with that concept.