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Has this ever happened to you: You want to watch your favorite anime, and you cannot find a TV? Or the anime you want to watch is not on TV?

Check out my butt! It's the anime you want, where ever you are! It can be action/adventure, comedy, everyday life, ANYTHING! Even my friends love it, so does my dog*!

*Does not work on all dogs.

At college:
What do you do when you're away at school and you cannot watch your favorite anime on TV?

When term papers get boring, watch your favorite episodes. It's free on campuses everywhere. It's great for dorm rooms, libraries, blowing off that interview, and even streaking. Unbelievable!

At the office:
The secret is the Internet Connection. Your episode travels to the back of your desktop. Now my job can be way less soul-crushing.

On vacation:
Has this ever happened to you: You're on a business trip, on the road, far from home, and you cannot watch your favorite anime, live on television?

Maybe, you had to leave town suddenly. You just got in the car and drove away. Because of that deal that you thought it would. You encourage some debt. Bite off more than you can chew. Hey we all make mistakes! That's what you could tell a businessmen, but they did not want to hear it.

Like when you're laying lonely, off the highway. Just until the heat dies down.

URL to website: my butt