Okay, I think I sent out all of them now. If you see your name in the winners list but didn't get a PM or if you're missing one send me a PM. Otherwise just lemme know if you got 'em. So many names I may have screwed a few things up. Anyway, enjoy and Merry Christmas!
Thank you guys for doing this, you're so awesome.

Broken Sword
Mirror Edge
Grand Prize
Oh wait did I miss it? Nvrmnd then
Well, there are extra Steam keys for the Broken Sword trilogy, and there's some Origin keys for Mirror's Edge remaining, you could have those if you want.
Cool I won Dead space, Batman and Mirrors edge!
(12-24-2013, 06:21 PM)ApocHedgie Wrote: [ -> ]There may be some more keys to giveaway a week from now. I'll post them at around the same time, 5PM EST, and they'll simply be given away first come first served.
Will this also be a Twitch event? Like some kind of Twitch auction?