So, the new Zelda game appears to be a mix between, well, Zelda, and the Warriors series.
First things first, that blue scarf is awesome.
Second of all, this looks really freaking neat.
Now, what do you guys think about it?
That's, uh
certainly out of left field.
This isn't the main Zelda WiiU game Nintendo hinted at a while back, for anyone wondering. It's a spinoff made by the Warriors devs.
(12-18-2013, 04:49 PM)Bigfoot Wrote: [ -> ]This isn't the main Zelda WiiU game Nintendo hinted at a while back, for anyone wondering. It's a spinoff made by the Warriors devs.
who still cares about that shit
this game seems so much fun, just happy there is going to be a new dynasty
This is pretty much what I've been dreaming of for years ever since Warriors games have been crossing over with various stuff. All they need now is a Mega Man crossover and my life is complete.
I really like that they take certain liberties in design, like the blue scarf. Looks really sweet. Also I love how the life bar is hearts, like it really should be for Zelda anyway.
The question now is who is going to be playable?

Speculation ahoy!
My bet is Link is going to be playable.
I like how it looks, but I don't really like that it looks to be "Legend of Zelda

ynasty Warriors"
Not saying that fighting hordes of enemies is bad, but from the looks of it you take out huge swaths of them fast and easily, and I find that boring. If it were more like Mad World where you trudge through, I'd find that more enjoyable, of course I'm gleaning this from a minutes worth of flash and fireworks, so I'm kind of being an ass and spewing out things that aren't even confirmed, but that's what I got from that trailer.
Great designs though.
When I first saw this, I thought it was going to be an RTS ala Total War

hogun 2 and I was really excited heh.
Oh man I hope I'm able to use Ganondorf with a sword.... and a Horse.
But who all will be playable?
Good side-
Link, Zelda, Shiek/Impa, dare I say Groose
Bad side-
Ganondorf, Majora, Vaati, Ghirahim. (though most of the villians don't exist at the same time)
Will they pull older characters for this game with redesigns? (Veran, Zant, Onox,)
What made the Warriors series fun was the co-op mode and multiple characters to chose from so they should definitely have that. (Dynasty Warrior 4 was the best imo)
With that blue scarf around Link's neck, he looks a little like the Goddess' Hero from the
Skyward Sword manga.
![[Image: 549px-Firstlink.png]](
The game looks decent, but not all that interesting. I'm not into button mashers, so this would get repetitive and boring for me fast.
In all honesty a Fire Emblem version would have been way better (way more characters to chose from and actual warring factions)
But I guess that won't happen sense the Shin Megami/Fire Emblem game is coming out.
It would have been awesome to have a Total War: Hyrule.
Now that I could go for. I'll remain cautiously hopeful for this game, but I'm just glad this isn't the main Zelda Wii U game.
Considering that Eiji Aonuma mentioned something about the next Zelda game being influenced by Skyrim, I'm curious to know how the new Wii U Zelda title will fare.
Anyway, as visually stunning and action packed this Zelda game is, I'm glad that it is only a spin-off. Besides, I'm not sure if this game would have a degree of puzzle solving based on the footage I've seen s far.
Never cared for Dynasty Warriors, and this is exactly that but Zelda themed. Still too early to say if I'll get it or not.