Just the naming. Every word on the icons should be capitalized. Yours said stuff like "igglybuff's house" instead of "Igglybuff's House." They'll go up much faster if we don't have to fix the icons after they've been submitted. Just something to look out for!
Oh right !

I know what you mean... Ok.
And About the section "Sky" and "Time/Darknes" From pokemon mystery dungeon...
If a sprite is in the two game, where must I post it ?
It'd go in both, as we've done with many others.
Okay so I'll put em' in the two section...
I'm actually rip the dungeon tileset, and... god, there's MANY tileS for a dungeon !

Yea there's a lot... Good luck ripping 'em!
Thanks !
I've wondering since a lot of time how many dungeon decoration the game serie have... ^^
But the graphisms of those games are just prettyful !
Hi, I've tried to rip a dungeon tileset, and I would like some opinions... If anyone have ever did this for this game... I have some problem with the animated water tiles...