12-24-2013, 09:49 AM
That's right, it's time for Jolly Joy Day!
Which means, presents!
Simply posting everything here would be boring, so I have prepared a little something for you.
In order to get your presents, you will have to solve some small riddle questions. You'll find them at the website linked below. Some of them should be fairly easy, others may be a bit harder and a few are a bit technical, yet I am sure that you can figure them out. If you don't know the correct answer, there's a whole community here to help, right? To each question, there are three answer options. However, everyone can only send in a single answer - correct or not, you only get one try. I chose that method so everyone can get a chance and no single person would solve them all! Of course, there are ways to trick the system, but you wouldn't cheat on christmas, would you!
The presents are randomly assigned to the questions (I used random.org if you want to know) so if yours is locked by a hard riddle or you're the last in line, that's not intentional. Yet, someone has to be, there's no way around it!
Of course, everyone can participate in unlocking the presents, no matter whether you've been one of the fine Santas or not.
Oh right, you will need a username and password. The username is obvious and the password hidden right here
so that shouldn't stop you! I advise you not to try your forum account credentials, though.
Last but not least, a very special Thank You to Ploaj for the amazing music that'll play on the site! Of course I added a mute option in the upper left as is the way of the good web developer, but who'd want to mute that sweet tune?
• Solved riddles
• Unlocked presents
Have a merry christmas, everyone!
To those few who didn't send in a present:
I leave the choice to you whether you'd like to post your gift yourself, or send it to me so I'd post it.
Which means, presents!
Simply posting everything here would be boring, so I have prepared a little something for you.
In order to get your presents, you will have to solve some small riddle questions. You'll find them at the website linked below. Some of them should be fairly easy, others may be a bit harder and a few are a bit technical, yet I am sure that you can figure them out. If you don't know the correct answer, there's a whole community here to help, right? To each question, there are three answer options. However, everyone can only send in a single answer - correct or not, you only get one try. I chose that method so everyone can get a chance and no single person would solve them all! Of course, there are ways to trick the system, but you wouldn't cheat on christmas, would you!
The presents are randomly assigned to the questions (I used random.org if you want to know) so if yours is locked by a hard riddle or you're the last in line, that's not intentional. Yet, someone has to be, there's no way around it!
Of course, everyone can participate in unlocking the presents, no matter whether you've been one of the fine Santas or not.
Oh right, you will need a username and password. The username is obvious and the password hidden right here

Last but not least, a very special Thank You to Ploaj for the amazing music that'll play on the site! Of course I added a mute option in the upper left as is the way of the good web developer, but who'd want to mute that sweet tune?
• Solved riddles
• Unlocked presents
Have a merry christmas, everyone!
To those few who didn't send in a present:
I leave the choice to you whether you'd like to post your gift yourself, or send it to me so I'd post it.