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(01-14-2014, 02:34 PM)E-Man Wrote: [ -> ]Since you did mention it though, I actually would like you to become the supervisor of the comic part of the web site if such a thing ever comes to pass. The comic idea is probably not going to happen anyway, but I would like to share ideas with you on how it could be to prevent a similar thing to fireball20xl from happening.
if i were elected to such a position, i'd only ever allow like 5 comics max to be hosted on the site and they'd have to be mind-numbingly good
we're talking like shonen jump voting fierceness here sink or swim in this Cool World of comics that'd exist on this site
(01-13-2014, 02:45 PM)Mongoose Jetters Wrote: [ -> ](or if there's another TUGS-esque compo)
ill start by now saying that im seriously up for another TUGS. i never got to participate in any of these compos so if there is a chance, id love to join.
(01-14-2014, 09:42 PM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ] (01-14-2014, 02:34 PM)E-Man Wrote: [ -> ]Since you did mention it though, I actually would like you to become the supervisor of the comic part of the web site if such a thing ever comes to pass. The comic idea is probably not going to happen anyway, but I would like to share ideas with you on how it could be to prevent a similar thing to fireball20xl from happening.
if i were elected to such a position, i'd only ever allow like 5 comics max to be hosted on the site and they'd have to be mind-numbingly good
we're talking like shonen jump voting fierceness here sink or swim in this Cool World of comics that'd exist on this site
Actually, I think a little more than a maximum of five comics wouldn't hurt that much, but I can agree that they have to be good quality ones. If we didn't have a forum that judges comics before they are submitted onto the site, then we may as well create a carbon copy of Smack Jeeves or something.
By the way, Kosheh, considering how interesting this subject is, you think it would be a good idea to make a separate topic out of implementing a comic section onto the site before this one gets too derailed?
Or I could just move this thread into site discussion considering I don't think dazz has even seen this thread and it's not like any of this stuff would happen without his full approval anyway
Works for me, Viper!
Considering that this thread will also be discussing comics, you think changing its name would be a good idea?
(01-15-2014, 07:20 AM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]Or I could just move this thread into site discussion considering I don't think dazz has even seen this thread and it's not like any of this stuff would happen without his full approval anyway
for some reason, as neat as this would be, i get this feeling that it wouldn't in a bajillion years be approved. though let me present another idea if i haven't shared it yet, this one kinda aimed in Dazz's direction
a few years ago, you had this fabulous idea that your Resource would be united as one "network", with VGR at the head - while that's been somewhat realized, I think you had one idea that temporarily saw the light of day (I don't remember, and I'm sorry if I'm spilling moderation secrets) and that was to make VGR some form of gaming journalism ala IGN or Gamespot.
I think it'd be interesting to do an idea similar to this once more, but exclusively set on providing news and coverage on indie gaming...because frankly, aside from some Wayforward platformers here and there and some mobile phone games, indie gaming more or less is the only thing really keeping pixel-art/spriting alive :/ and the least we could do to give back to indie games is additional exposure [:
Like I said in a previous post, Kosheh, the idea of including a comic section is unlikely to happen. Despite this, it's still a neat idea and it would be a lot of fun to discuss what it would be like.
Even if Dazz would likely shoot the idea out of the sky, I am very curious on his input on such an idea.
True. I don't expect it to go very far; I feel like if we established a webcomics area we'd be like John and becomed the demons (maybe a zombie)
Though, maybe Dazz has his opinions on the issue, and maybe it's an idea that can be further fleshed out and made to work?
oh. totally off topic, but i just decided to wander around the VGR network and oh look at that psyguy's a regular contributor to muscle tower by means of his WA-CHOW! podcast.
huh. now i feel like a total knob. maybe it's high time i listened to one of his podcasts and put my feelings behind me
i actually don't hold a grudge against current psyguy - like i stopped caring lol: it's the psyguy i knew around highschool (same psyguy, just age i guess) who ran that fireball20XL network. a lot of my friends got their work hosted on it, and it really went to their heads when they didn't actually realize that literally the only thing they were getting was exposure (i'm sure psy's other hosted works got a lot more) And then friendship after friendship fizzled away >:
so in actuality i guess psyguy's an OK guy, like i'd totally sit down with the guy at a con, have a few beers and talk about how shitty the internet is; it's just the fact that FB20XL more or less shat all over my Internet Social Life
aaand maybe the fact that his sonic puppet show done on his webcam was never funny
eh. i'll give the psy a try as a nice guy
Well, I actually came up with a good list of pros and cons that would start things going for a comic section discussion. Feel free to add to the list.
- It would rake in more members and viewers.
- It would be similar to Smack Jeeves without all the Yaoi and drama filled author comics.
- Users on this web site who want to host a web comic (including me) would have a very good place to do so.
- New moderators will surface as a result of the new section, while old ones are likely promoted to admin status.
- Might encourage more users to make sprite comics and make it so that even custom sheets are used more often.
- Might encourage more users to make sprites for the comics.
- Discussion on posted comics would lead to interesting subjects.
- Obscure users will get a day or two in the limelight, while already popular users get even more popular.
- Might branch out into creating more projects, such as fan games based on the comic.
- Even if some users might not get their comics submitted, we could offer critique to have them become good enough to have their work submitted one day.
- It might end up like fireball (obviously).
- Not all comics are going to appear on the site, which might cause drama.
- "Can you make me this comics" requests would emerge.
- Adding a new section would be tough to maintain.
- Some people might not get on board with having new moderators added.
- A flux of mediocre web comics is expected.
- Some comics might not get updated anymore.
- Creative differences between two web comic authors on the same web comic would cause a rupture in friendship.
Make with these reasons what you will.
As for your grudge against Psyguy, don't sweat it, Kosheh! Considering that I held some grudges before, I don't blame you for hating Psyguy for those reasons.
Considering that you're mellowing down about him, any plans on giving him another chance as long as he's nothing like he was before?
Ohh...webcomic hosting! That sounds like it'd be tubular! Of course, there's the prevalent problem of quality in sprite comics, but otherwise we might actually get some great stuff like "Hero, Oh Hero"! And speaking of which, I was reading "Hero, Oh Hero" last month and was inspired to start my own webcomic. Here's the pitch:
A comedic, light-hearted story about two young dragons trying to make their way in Terra Confundo as entrepreneurs. Every page follows a strict vertical 4-panel format, with a punchline on almost every page. The story is in a short-story format, meaning that after you read the prologue, you can read the other stories in any order you wish. The entire webcomic is in a distinct pixel art style, with tiles/characters drawn in ASEprite and arranged in Tiled. Oh, and no video-game references. Everyone's sick of those. :I
I already have the prologue's 50 pages scripted and a few short stories outlined. All that's left is for me to add more tiles, more character poses and assemble all the pages. I originally wanted to post this to SmackJeeves, but webcomics there have gotten a bad rep for stealing the thunder of much more deserving comics. But if TSR hosted strictly pixel art/sprite webcomics, I don't really think that would be a problem.

Okay here's my two-cents. I been thinking a lot about what was said. You know, about who comes to use this site.
When I first joined Ninsprites back in 2001, spriting meant something entirely different. While today the community likes sprites or pixelart for themselves, back then it was always about what you could DO with those sprites. See that's what was exciting. Sprites were merely the set peices to a much bigger picture. When we used to make custom sprites it wasn't because of the sprites themselves, it's because we wanted to make something that could belong to something bigger. It was fun imagining that my sprites might be used in a fan game or video. Sometimes I'd sprite things based on my own fan game/ video/ webcomic idea. That was our inspiration to do these things!
Pixelart that acts like regular art is lovely but... it doesn't have a broad appeal. I remember when I started to finally notice the change. I started seeing scenic portraits instead of... sprites. I was like "What's going on here? Who's gonna possibly use that in their fangame?" And they said to me: "It's not about fangames, flash videos, or webcomics anymore."
I felt as if they forgot why sprites were so much fun to begin with. And I think the rest of the web agrees. It's the things we make with the sprite that people love, not the sprites themselves.
If we want people coming back here we got to do something fun with the sprites we have on our site.
"It's not about fangames, flash videos, or webcomics anymore."
basically; fangames are declining right now (giving space to independent gaming, which is now also tending to 3D), flash videos are much better with drawn art and webcomics... are better off drawn too.
Sprites (pixelarts)are an aging form of art generally speaking, because they are assets from old videogames, or try to mimic them. Of course there are still games that use them to full extent, and pixelart will never stop existing, butthe decline is still visible.
Koopaul pretty much nailed everything in that one post. Sprites are pretty to look at, but the sole reason why people use sprites in the first place is to create neat and entertaining projects, including sprite comics.
When I was very new to the web, I discovered sprite comics such as the Adventure of Link and Friends and Zelda Comic. Even though I could draw, there was something whimsical about using images ripped from games to create stories. That gave me the kind of drive to make my name on the web by creating a sprite comic that would make others enthusiastic about sprite comics as I was.
Even though I relish the idea of creating sprites that are on the same level as the more respected spriters in our community, I would actually like it a whole lot more if my sprites were actually used in the creation of sprite comics and similar projects. By incorporating a comic section, not only would I get another shot at achieving this dream, but it would also allow me to guide new sprite comic artists in the right direction.
The more I see users agreeing to the idea of a comic section on this web site, the less it seems like a bad idea to attempt to incorporate. Besides, why create sprites when we couldn't have a little fun with them, too?
Sprite comics are so 2000s though, and they were cool
for 8 year olds
Unless people actually make custom sprites AND know how to write a great story and/or make something really enjoyable to read, without needing to use sprites as its only selling point, i am really against sprite comics and comics of any kind.
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