01-16-2014, 11:45 AM
I'm in need of someone who is good with sprites with that hd quality similar to street fighter turbo hd I got a sprite but had no clue on how to make animation for him and etc cause i'm making my first attempt at a beat em up type game like double dragon or scott pilgrim but with a hip hop feel. So pm if interested and we'll go from there cause i really need help with most of this stuff or be taught personally.
I'm in need of someone who is good with sprites with that hd quality similar to street fighter turbo hd I got a sprite but had no clue on how to make animation for him and etc cause i'm making my first attempt at a beat em up type game like double dragon or scott pilgrim but with a hip hop feel. So pm if interested and we'll go from there cause i really need help with most of this stuff or be taught personally.