(The majority of this is copied from another website I posted this to)
It seems as if retro is now considered "in" when it comes to new games. A lot of Indie developers are using 8bit graphics in an effort to appeal to a nostalgic crowd. What happens when you apply this to Pokemon? You get the Nostalgic Emerald Hack.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Hoenn happened in Gen 2? Well you're about to find out.
Features include:
A massive roster of 250 Pokemon!
Gameboy era graphics!
Gym leaders now have Pokemon to reflect the Generation shift!
A massive amount of Nostalgia!
Day and Night!
Obviously it's a work in progress, but it's a start.
To do list:
- More sprite replacements
- Music Replacement
- Day and Night
- The occasional bug fix
Known bugs:
- Two water routes will not cooperate with AMap
I haven't really messed with the palette, so the colouring will probably not be Gen 2. I feel like this is the best place to go for crits on the mapping and spriting (putting this out there, the Pokecenter is a placeholder)
If anyone wants to alpha test for me too, that would be cool
I'm looking forward to this hack.
I'll certainly want to test it when it's in beta phase.
Not bad, but for the buildings, I think you could go more retro than that. As they are now, they look a little like recolored versions of the gen 3 buildings found in Pokémon games and they look a little too modern to appear in a Gameboy Pokémon game.
Perhaps you could go for a look like this for the buildings?
![[Image: 18715.png]](http://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheets/17/18715.png)
(02-19-2014, 09:13 PM)E-Man Wrote: [ -> ]Not bad, but for the buildings, I think you could go more retro than that. As they are now, they look a little like recolored versions of the gen 3 buildings found in Pokémon games and they look a little too modern to appear in a Gameboy Pokémon game.
Perhaps you could go for a look like this for the buildings?
![[Image: 18715.png]](http://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheets/17/18715.png)
Oh, the buildings haven't been changed yet, actually. I was planning on doing the ground tiles first. Since the buildings wouldn't take too long to do and it's a pain in the ass to make sure everything is swapped right when it comes to the ground tiles, I was planning on doing the buildings later
So, this is the Hoenn region retextured?
(02-19-2014, 11:04 PM)psychospacecow Wrote: [ -> ]So, this is the Hoenn region retextured?
Essentially, but also without any 3rd gen Pokemon.
Shame there's no G3 pokemon involved. Seeing G2-style sprites of them would be pretty cool.
Also, and I'm not sure how well adding new content to roms works, but would it be possible to include Johto and Kanto? Being able to travel between three regeions would be fantastic (GSC spoiled me).
(02-21-2014, 08:30 AM)Midi Wrote: [ -> ]Shame there's no G3 pokemon involved. Seeing G2-style sprites of them would be pretty cool.
Also, and I'm not sure how well adding new content to roms works, but would it be possible to include Johto and Kanto? Being able to travel between three regeions would be fantastic (GSC spoiled me).
Well, having some experience with pokemon hacks, I can tell you that it is impossible. And I'll tell you why:
First, there isn't enough memory in the rom to store all the dialogues of the new characters you'd encounter in kanto and johto. Even if the rom is expended, you cannot change the number of letters of dialogues nor add new dialogues without risking to alter all your good work in a bad way.
Secondly, I think it maybe possible to make a little part of kanto with all the unused places (you know the lengendary pokemon islands you get access through mystery gift tickets and the beta maps) and do other parts with the unused memory. But there is certainly not enough memory for both.Also adding new catching places doesn't really take that much memory...
Finally, while one can expend by a lot of memory the rom to have enough space to make all that, the rom will be very unstable because it will be too much expended.
I don't say that I'm an expert, but that's what I can tell from my experience so far. If it really is possible, then it means that I have not discovered how to yet nor seen any hack like that.
this project looks
awesome, though I wish you would keep Hoenn's culture intact.

(keep Brendan, May and key characters but just devamp them for the Awesomest Effect. screw the rest of 'em you can use the old GSC trainers)
but is there any reason for omitting the other 135 pokes? besides keeping it old-school?
It'd be awesome to have an all-386 hack, with retroactively sprited gen 3 Pokemon in it anyway. It IS Hoenn you're running around in, right? The whole thing wouldn't feel right without at least Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza, being they're the reference points in the game's lore ):
(also you should add the gen 3 pokemon because then they would not suck and I would like them)
(02-25-2014, 09:39 AM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]this project looks awesome, though I wish you would keep Hoenn's culture intact. 
(keep Brendan, May and key characters but just devamp them for the Awesomest Effect. screw the rest of 'em you can use the old GSC trainers)
Well I was planning on using Brendan and May for the rivals, and using Gold and Kris for the protagonist. Not exactly set in stone though.
(02-25-2014, 09:39 AM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]but is there any reason for omitting the other 135 pokes? besides keeping it old-school?
Well that, and there's not exactly GSC sprites for all of the other 135 I believe. I don't have the ability to do it, and I believe the project here died down.
(02-25-2014, 09:39 AM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]It IS Hoenn you're running around in, right? The whole thing wouldn't feel right without at least Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza, being they're the reference points in the game's lore ):
Well yes, however I was planning on replacing the trio with Ho-Oh, Lugia, and (Mewtwo I guess?) Not exactly cannon, but I thought it was kind of creative and that idea was fairly well received at the other forum I have this posted to.
(02-25-2014, 12:29 PM)[MachoBot RoboSavage] Wrote: [ -> ]Well yes, however I was planning on replacing the trio with Ho-Oh, Lugia, and (Mewtwo I guess?) Not exactly cannon, but I thought it was kind of creative and that idea was fairly well received at the other forum I have this posted to.
actually...that's not too bad. it actually works, lol
though uhm, mewtwo?
i feel like celebi would make a good substitute here, though it doesn't necessarily jive 100% with its character.
i feel like if there's anyone in gen 2 who can fly down from the sky and say "hey idiots, cut this shit out RIGHT NOW", it's celebi
You could use the 3 legendary dogs.
(02-25-2014, 01:17 PM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ] (02-25-2014, 12:29 PM)[MachoBot RoboSavage] Wrote: [ -> ]Well yes, however I was planning on replacing the trio with Ho-Oh, Lugia, and (Mewtwo I guess?) Not exactly cannon, but I thought it was kind of creative and that idea was fairly well received at the other forum I have this posted to.
actually...that's not too bad. it actually works, lol
though uhm, mewtwo?
i feel like celebi would make a good substitute here, though it doesn't necessarily jive 100% with its character.
i feel like if there's anyone in gen 2 who can fly down from the sky and say "hey idiots, cut this shit out RIGHT NOW", it's celebi
I was going to go with Celebi, but I was thinking that it would have been a bad idea. Mewtwo was the first to come to mind when thinking of some powerful pokemon coming down to calm two fighting behemoths. But Celebi is probably the better choice, and another idea for Mewtwo did just pop into my head
Again, the 3 legendary dogs.
(02-25-2014, 05:13 PM)psychospacecow Wrote: [ -> ]Again, the 3 legendary dogs.
They can't save the world while they're locked in caves that require Braille and a Relicanth to open