Got ideas? Don't wanna make 'em? Want feedback before making 'em? Looking for a team? This is the thread where you can post random game ideas you may or may not want to follow through on!
One thing though; these ideas are free game for anybody. It would be Hella Nice if people were given credit for their ideas, though.
I'll post an idea I had in a bit. I have to organize my thoughts first
I was thinking of a Punch Out knock off involving Pokemon. Machop to replace Lil Mac, Hitmonchan, Primeape, and some other fighting Pokemon involved as well.
I've always fantasized about a zelda (or zelda-esque) game set in a steampunk world with puzzles about steampunk technology.
If I only had the skill!
a game i had in mind was a platformer where you start as a robot created by your master, who was generally nice, but was kidnapped by the queen because of a misunderstanding (sorta like thinking he was making robots for taking over, somethin like that...). now you have to rescue your master and let him free!
I am going to bombard this thread when I get home.
(03-01-2014, 03:48 PM)Paladin Wrote: [ -> ]I've always fantasized about a zelda (or zelda-esque) game set in a steampunk world with puzzles about steampunk technology.
If I only had the skill!
I'm on it.
I've been on it for a few weeks now, haha.
While not necessarily a game, I did have an idea pop into my head. In Pokemon X and Y, one of the little Easter eggs involves the camera changing while occasionally talking to Nurse Joy. One of these camera changes involves a first person view. I wonder how difficult it would be to just have the first person mode on all the time
Micro-management platformer where you control an army of corgis against a business dedicated to turning living matter (read: dogs) into pure energy for weaponization.
Break the game up into chapters and stuff and let you go back to each chapter for better scores and for item collection.
You switch places between a girl and her pet corgi and while the girl is able to do more things mobility-wise, the dog can control the corgi army.
Don't know how I want the micromanagement to play out though, nor what kind of puzzles I could do with this concept, but yeah !!
(03-02-2014, 09:09 PM)nicktheslayer Wrote: [ -> ] (03-01-2014, 03:48 PM)Paladin Wrote: [ -> ]I've always fantasized about a zelda (or zelda-esque) game set in a steampunk world with puzzles about steampunk technology.
If I only had the skill!
I'm on it. I've been on it for a few weeks now, haha.
My dream has come true :')
Best thread 2014
Seriously though, awesome thread idea. Once I'm done with what I'm working on now and have more time, I might harvest one or two of these and try bring them to life (provided I can get someone to make sprites because I can't do graphics).
I have a good number of ideas that I'd want to write down, but I'd rather make them myself and not have someone steal my idea (whether they give credit or not). Sorry!