After sucking dry some Geodudes, Alraune started to transform!
The dirt around here is pretty rich in nutrients it seems
You know, this is the most boring part of this journey... Geodudes and Zubats everywhere!!
I really hope this is the exit...
God dammit
Pokemon Life Lessons: Be serious in the dark
Is this supposed to be a kids' game
Oh my God... I am tired of walking around this cave already... I want to give up...
"You are literally in front of this sign though"
"No problem"
Aaahhh!!! It's so good to be able to see the sun again! This was a really tiring walk...
I will rest under this tree because my legs are aching--
Oh! What a nice surprise! It's an Ether tree!
Today was a really difficult part of my journey. The Rock Cave was full of monsters and trainers who wanted to challenge me. The dark ambient and the small rooms were making me uneasy, and the music in that place was driving me mad. If I stayed inside for more two minutes I would probably have a mental breakdown. So I'm glad I'm here.
The sunset is so pretty, the sky is now a mix of lovely red with the mystic purple. Walking inside a place that didn't even have fresh air showed me how much I should be grateful. The clouds, the cerulean blue, the bright sun... They're always outside, making our gray lives better. On top of that, we have so many friends in our side, helping when you are in need... And yet we often complain about not having a good computer, a good cellphone, a good videogame.
We all should stop regularly and notice how perfect life is. Instead of wanting, we could thank more. Thanks for the pretty landscape I'm seeing, and for all the friends that I have...
Congrats Gors, you outdid your expectations. Its been more than a week.
oh boy
i've been looking forward to this part of your journey
i'm waiting for you to head south
Quote:![[Image: be9d06ad8c25cecd6b97bad99a3fd9f3.gif]](
i have to be honest, i don't ever remember a pokemaniac EVER talking about cosplay in pokemon red.
nice find :0
btw, pro tip gors (and to any other pokemaniacs out there playing through gen 1):
The Squirtle evolutionary line can learn Ice Beam (but you won't get it until 2 towns from now, at
the celadon department store
but yeah, ice beam is literally squirtle's way of dealing with grass, fliers, and dragons (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)