Oh hell yes. Psyched about this, they had best put in personal organiser functions so it can save money on having a PDA~
i just want pictures of my cats
I want this and fucken M&L3.
And I want a regular MM sidescroller thing instead of Star Force.

So will some Wii games be revealed?
Did I see Bowser as the player character in M&L 3?
Yes. Yes you did.
Also we have something resembling BP again, with no item based specials. YES.
The Wii video
Includes Sin & Punishment 2, Punch-Out!!, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, new Klonoa game and others.
If it were not for the no GBA thing.
Now I don't know.
Hell this makes up for Nintendo E3.
DSi looks awesome,
Punch out Wii =awesome
and lastly
I hope S&P2 is rated M, it'd make things more interesting.
EDIT: though, I'm a tad dissapointed about no kid icarus wii
(10-02-2008, 02:26 PM)Angelglory Wrote: [ -> ]The Wii video
Includes Sin & Punishment 2, Punch-Out!!, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, new Klonoa game and others.
oh my god
I think I just ograsmed in my pants. Punch-Out is my favorite out of the bunch.
(Will LAWL if Captain Falcon takes Mr. Dream's place.)
The hinge on my old DS is broken, so I might get the DSi f I can save up enough.
Punch-Out!! Wii looks awesome and holy Jesus they made a sequel to Trace Memory. Also what's that game with the lady with the sword and all the blood? I'm intrigued.
I think you're thinking of Bayonetta. There were a lot of mysterious games though.