03-07-2014, 12:20 PM
I need someone willing to help me sprite and tile my game. The more I work on the game, the less time I have for tiles, and the more time I need to devote to programming.
Here's the latest demo, it's a bit glitchy in some areas, but it's being worked on daily. I have myself as the programmer/writer and one other as a composer. The sprites and tiles will be similar to the GBC Zelda series, but do not need to be truly 8 bit. (Just as close as possible)
There is no pay, for now, but IF the game becomes commercially available in he future, then you will be paid. Pay is based on % of sales, and the % you get is based on how much you do. You have to do a decent amount to be compensated, I don't want to figure out a 3% pay.
You can message me here, if you are interested, or for a faster response, you can hit me up at [email protected]
Left mouse button for movement.
Right mouse button to use eqqiupped item.
Mouse wheel changes item, there are only two.
Right mouse button to use eqqiupped item.
Mouse wheel changes item, there are only two.
There is no pay, for now, but IF the game becomes commercially available in he future, then you will be paid. Pay is based on % of sales, and the % you get is based on how much you do. You have to do a decent amount to be compensated, I don't want to figure out a 3% pay.
You can message me here, if you are interested, or for a faster response, you can hit me up at [email protected]