megaman is a pretty cool guy. eh is blue and doesn't afraid of anything.
here's metalman and galaxyman for now. i'm spriting them in their fabulous poses :>
hay guys i use paint so go easy on me durr
Crotch Grab!
jk they're good.
Looks like the shading is reversed on metalman.
I mean the farther parts are more brightly shaded by the nearer parts.
I like galaxyman though. gj
Not really sure as to what you're saying about the shading.
sorry :x
finally got my animating programs to work :>
![[Image: galaxy9.gif]](
(10-04-2008, 01:38 PM)-Dark- Wrote: [ -> ]finally got my animating programs to work :>
![[Image: galaxy9.gif]](
Nice pallets, but my only criticism is that the shading on the shoes are off, you should make it smoother, like the hands ;>
hmm....ya. i gave the colored areas a more smooth shading than the black :P
i think it looks a little better :x
Galaxy Man was my favorite of the new roster.
Dang, I like the style you did for him. XD If Katey and I decide to make a full 32 bit style version of our game, we could consider a style pretty close to this.
an almost-one-year bump o__o
Within these last 10 month's ive taken a break from spriting and decided to do other things.
but damnit i miss spriting :<
so...i kinda wanted to get back into my spriting groove thing but it's hard. i'm so rusty

gemini man is the new guy on the right. idk
more to come
Gemini's face looks off but other than that kick ass.
I'm liking the Galaxy Man, but his right arm could be a bit longer. And Metal Man's left arm is a tad too long.
I'm glad to see you back into spriting. I love the colors, but you could smooth en out the shading.