Actually, Omnikariz, I never got around to that request because Recme came in and asked me to draw the Shrek and Shadow thing. Also, I didn't have your ref, so…
Anyway, while that wasn't what I was intending when I drew that request, the fact that it is almost like Recme's alternate request is a happy accident on my part!
By the way, the next drawing live stream will be on Tuesday of the week after this Sunday, so how about telling me what requests I should draw by then?
Well… It doesn't look like I got any new requests lately, but that won't stop me from streaming today! Just pop by my livestream, state what kind of request you want, and I'll be sure to draw it during the stream!
By the way, I'll start streaming once I get a few viewers on the channel.
it appears to have crashed
Forgive me, Demonlemon, but something odd has been happening to my live stream as of late. It said something about the stream not having enough bandwidth and then refusing to record my screen no matter what I did. In fact, I can't even type in the chat box.
I'll be putting a hold on today's live stream until I can figure out how to sort out the problem. Maybe the live stream web site is just down or something?
the whole website is down apparently
I actually don't know what to say about that except that my stream is now cancelled on the account of errors beyond my control.
This post will take you to my live stream topic on the forum that will give more insight on what I'm thinking now and the possibility of moving to Twitch TV.
Here is another request done from the stream.
I like how he turned out to be honest. Most people see this guy as some ind of demon that wants to raise Cain and turn others into himself, but I actually like my portrayal of him as an obscure cartoon character from the 20s. Demonlemon told me the ghost looks like a toddler Oogie Boogie, which gives me an idea for what I would like to draw next.
Anyway, considering how late it is now and I didn't get anymore requests for new streams, I'm just going to call it a day and do a new stream on Tuesday (unless you want me to do one earlier).
By the way, the next request I have in mind is drawing Omnikariz's request. I will do it, but he mentioned something about a Korean flag. While I am not against that idea, I must ask if I could do my own take on it. The idea I have in mind involves two certain spriters that no longer come to this site, so is that fine with you guys?
Do you think you could draw my current avatar eventually? (The full figure is being used in TFR)
Well, it is a free request thread, so I'll see what I can do!
Of course, you won't be getting the request until next Tuesday (the next time I stream), but if there are more people who would like me to do it earlier, I'm all up for that.
I'd like to see how well you can draw Luigi.
Hey guys!
Considering how the site went down for about a week, I had no means of managing my live stream on this side of the web. As a result, the stream was cancelled last Tuesday.
Fortunately, though, considering the circumstances, I will actually stream on Friday instead and try to do that for every Friday for now on. I will give more details in my live stream thread when the time is right, but until then, keep up with the requests!
OK! I believe it is now time for a stream! Considering that I have a fine amount of requests to work with, I should be able to host a pretty interesting stream.
I'll start the moment once I get a guest or two.
(03-26-2014, 08:30 PM)E-Man Wrote: [ -> ]Now, I don't know where the whole "I sold your Gamecube for an X-Box" gag came from, but since that was very fresh in my mind for many years, I decided to use it. You think you guys could tell me where it came from? I tried searching, but no dice.
It's from the old Flash video Starfox Misadventures. It runs a bit too long if you ask me, but it does have some funny parts. You can watch it here:
Anyway, I really like your artstyle. I'd like to request a drawing from you, but I can't think of anything I'd like to request right now.
…… Wow… After taking a look at that Flash, I'm actually baffled by how anyone wasn't bothered by the quality Flashes are back in the days… Still, it had some funny bits and considering how old it is, saying anything to bash it wouldn't be fair.
Thank you for show me this, Mystie!
As for requests, I could aways draw Celebi for you or something. Unfortunately, until I could get at least one guest on my stream, I won't be able to start today.
(04-11-2014, 12:49 PM)E-Man Wrote: [ -> ]…… Wow… After taking a look at that Flash, I'm actually baffled by how anyone wasn't bothered by the quality Flashes are back in the days… Still, it had some funny bits and considering how old it is, saying anything to bash it wouldn't be fair.
Thank you for show me this, Mystie!
As for requests, I could aways draw Celebi for you or something. Unfortunately, until I could get at least one guest on my stream, I won't be able to start today.
No prob! And I agree, most Flash animations from the early 2000s have not aged well.
Anyway, sure, drawing me a Celebi would be fine.