I really want to learn how to do pixel art. Do you have to place every pixel manually? Is there a specific program I should use? If anyone can help I'd be extremely grateful.
Well since you are new to the whole concept, I recommend using GraphicsGale as your main program of operations, I am sure many of the pixel art you have seen here on the site are made using that program. I will send you a Private message with a link for it.
Also, these forums have some very interesting tutorials that you should consider reading.
(04-10-2014, 02:39 PM)Level 1 Wrote: [ -> ]Well since you are new to the whole concept, I recommend using GraphicsGale as your main program of operations, I am sure many of the pixel art you have seen here on the site are made using that program. I will send you a Private message with a link for it.
Also, these forums have some very interesting tutorials that you should consider reading.
Great! You're the person I hoped would respond.

Well, I think people would like it if you were to start your sprite topic off with some work you did already, but I'll help you out of this one.
To start off your question, any image editor would do the trick. More advance pixel art techniques that involve transparent pixels and layers need Photoshop (or GIMP). Otherwise, regular old MS Paint would do the job (even Gors and Vipershark use it).
As for placing the pixels manually, you have to do that. I know it sounds like a chore, but that's part of the charm of pixel art creations. All you need to do is rough out some flat shapes, use darker and lighter colors to provide the shading and highlights, and then you're done.
(04-10-2014, 02:41 PM)E-Man Wrote: [ -> ]Well, I think people would like it if you were to start your sprite topic off with some work you did already, but I'll help you out of this one.
To start off your question, any image editor would do the trick. More advance pixel art techniques that involve transparent pixels and layers need Photoshop (or GIMP). Otherwise, regular old MS Paint would do the job (even Gors and Vipershark use it).
As for placing the pixels manually, you have to do that. I know it sounds like a chore, but that's part of the charm of pixel art creations. All you need to do is rough out some flat shapes, use darker and lighter colors to provide the shading and highlights, and then you're done.
I was just about to edit my post and comment on some of the points you made here. It would help for us to see your level of work, that way we can point you to the right direction.
Well the only pixel-related work I've done is made some Mario sprites out of LEGOs.
Well, that is your first job, use the program I just sent you, and try and make a piece, and then present it here so we can critique you on it to improve.
Okay I will. Just as soon as I get it unzipped...
(04-10-2014, 02:48 PM)FinalSmash Wrote: [ -> ]Well the only pixel-related work I've done is made some Mario sprites out of LEGOs.
That's all fine and dandy, FinalSmash, but what we really want to see is the stuff you can sprite on the computer.
Just create a simple sprite in MS Paint or whatever (it can even be an edit to at least give you a feel of being a pixel artist) and we'll continue from there.
EDIT: Looks like Level 1 just ninja'd me again.
Okay I can't find the "straight line" tool.
this will help.
This tutorials explain the program a bit, but they will hold your hand through every tool.
Edit: When it comes to the tool's locations, well the "view" tab will help you out, but I recommend playing around with the program and discover it all on your own to get familiar with it.
No I'm using paint actually. GraphicsGale is shareware, and I don't want to pay.
It depends on what you're working on, like the size and the nature of the pixel art.
There isn't a specific program to use - you can create your own workflow. Some use only Photoshop for their whole process (be it animated or not), others use GraphicsGale, GIMP, Paint.NET... you name it. I usually start in MSPaint then continue in Paint.NET or Photoshop.
If you know how to draw, then spriting will be a bit easier!

Well, I think I'm a pretty good artist, here is some of my work:
Hylian Shield
these are okay, but I've gotten a whole lot better since I did those, it's been almost a year.
You can use GraphicsGale but as far as getting the basics down, I recommend Paint.