Unless Geno is given a new role in the game entirely, then that'd be fine. As for Mallow, he sucks.
@NinspriterX: It'd probably be about a couple 10,000$ maybe.
Man, why all the Mallow hate? I always thought he was a pretty lovable character.
I wasn't really feeling any of the SMRPG characters. Mallow was so... whiny. Geno was ok, but ultimately a Chaotic Good Shadow the Hedgehog.
I liked a lot of the supporting cast more than Geno and Mallow, really. Booster in particular.
I really need to get my router to work so I can download SMRPG :/
We're off topic though.
(10-06-2008, 03:47 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]I liked a lot of the supporting cast more than Geno and Mallow, really. Booster in particular.
Booster and Snifits for M&L3.
I liked Mallow >: I'd love for any of them to come back dammit.
As for this game, I'm always interested in anything that gets Mario's name slapped on it. Cause I'm a fanboy. However, I never liked Fawful or the Shroobs so the two teaming up instead of them making new villains is a bit disappointing but it'll probably be fun none-the-less. Unless they have more of the before mentioned LONG AS SHIT Boss battles. It took me forever to beat M&L

iT because of how long the boss battles were. Whenever I lost, I'd get fed up that I just wasted an hour to die before the boss even died and ended up not playing again for a month.
fawful is a terrible design and i hate looking at him
There BETTER not be another talking suitcase in this game
I am in agreeance that Booster was an awesome character. He was definitely my favourite character in the game, and Bowser was my favourite playable, Geno in second.
But out of every single Mario RPG, even though it was good, Mario RPG was my least favourite.
SMRPG is my favorite, followed by PM2, M&L, and PM. I still haven't played PiT.
My favourites were MLSS, Paper Mario, MLPiT, Super Paper Mario, Paper Mario Thousand Year Door, Mario RPG.
If you ask me PiT was a big let down compared to the first M&L. The whole baby thing felt too gimmicky. I hope this one lives up to the first one's standards.
Though the storyline to PiT was unimaginably original.
Time travel?! AND an alien invasion?!?
Why didn't I think of that before!