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Apparently the DLC is free and Japan-only, so everyone else doesn't have to worry about Hyper-realistic Kart.
(05-29-2014, 06:24 AM)Goombaking123 Wrote: [ -> ]Apparently the DLC is free and Japan-only, so everyone else doesn't have to worry about Hyper-realistic Kart.
Well that sucks. I think it's kind of cool, tbh
What's with the aversion to the Mercedes-Bendz kart?
Also, if anything, this proves that they coded in a system for DLC, which brings up the possibility of more of it in the future.
I guess because instead of using the DLC for extra characters or cool new karts, it's being used for an advertisement.
Which I understand, but still, it's. mother fucking Mercedes
(05-29-2014, 01:50 AM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ]Mario Kart 8 DLC confirmed
EDIT: No I'm serious.
Even if it is real, that commercial still made me laugh. XD
Yeah, when they want to, they can make pretty interesting commercials again.
I... I really want that fucking kart here in the states man.
Just think
You'll see them online
World racing
They'll always be there
A constant reminder
Of what you can't have
I never cared about cars in real life, so of course this doesn't interest me at all.
Only Japan will be able to get 9999 VR while playing Waluigi in a Mercedes Benz and live to tell about it.
Today is the day.
in about six hours i'm going to be going into my local target when it opens and picking up the wii u/mario kart 8 bundle.
... i should be asleep right now
I'm going to pick up my reserved copy after work today. Luckily I only work until 2 so it won't be too long of a wait and I'll have plenty of time to play after.
Bah, I won't be able to pick up my copy until this afternoon.
I have to go to work right after I pick up my copy :/
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