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Apparently the DLC is free and Japan-only, so everyone else doesn't have to worry about Hyper-realistic Kart.
(05-29-2014, 06:24 AM)Goombaking123 Wrote: [ -> ]Apparently the DLC is free and Japan-only, so everyone else doesn't have to worry about Hyper-realistic Kart.
Well that sucks. I think it's kind of cool, tbh
What's with the aversion to the Mercedes-Bendz kart?
Also, if anything, this proves that they coded in a system for DLC, which brings up the possibility of more of it in the future.
I guess because instead of using the DLC for extra characters or cool new karts, it's being used for an advertisement.
Which I understand, but still, it's. mother fucking Mercedes
(05-29-2014, 01:50 AM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ]Mario Kart 8 DLC confirmed
EDIT: No I'm serious.
![[Image: 011.jpg]](
Even if it is real, that commercial still made me laugh. XD
Yeah, when they want to, they can make pretty interesting commercials again.
I... I really want that fucking kart here in the states man.
![[Image: mkmercedes-640x358.png]](
Just think
You'll see them online
World racing
They'll always be there
A constant reminder
Of what you can't have
I never cared about cars in real life, so of course this doesn't interest me at all.
Only Japan will be able to get 9999 VR while playing Waluigi in a Mercedes Benz and live to tell about it.
Today is the day.
![[Image: itshappening.gif]](
in about six hours i'm going to be going into my local target when it opens and picking up the wii u/mario kart 8 bundle.
... i should be asleep right now
I'm going to pick up my reserved copy after work today. Luckily I only work until 2 so it won't be too long of a wait and I'll have plenty of time to play after.
Bah, I won't be able to pick up my copy until this afternoon.
I have to go to work right after I pick up my copy :/
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