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It's actually happening! Gen 3 remakes are indeed coming to the 3DS.
There's no actual gameplay footage yet, but we know that they're coming this November.
Um. Hooray?
This is my least favorite generation, but, depending on how it's updated, I might give it a shot.
Is this real? Are you sure this is not a joke?
They aren't my favourites, but I still enjoyed them a lot, so I think are remakes without annoying MIDI trumpets would be cool.
It keeps saying new... Unless this is a sequel game, how is this new? I mean yeah, there might be some additions like in the other remakes, but did they refer to those games as being "New Worlds"?
They could've come up with better titles than that, but otherwise, I hope the elements from Emerald are included, as HeartGold and SoulSilver did with Euisine and such. It'll be interesting to see how they handle the Gen 3 Battle Frontier.
I can't wait! Gen 6 is my favorite generation (and this is coming from someone who's been with the series since Gen 1), and a Gen 3 remake in the style of Gen 6 is way too awesome for words.
I wonder what alpha swampert and sceptile will look like
also damn so fast...!?
(i'm getting sapphire)
(05-07-2014, 10:41 AM)soulcaliburfan Wrote: [ -> ]It keeps saying new... Unless this is a sequel game, how is this new? I mean yeah, there might be some additions like in the other remakes, but did they refer to those games as being "New Worlds"?
Because they're being completely reimagined in a new format, from 2d to 3d. Seems like a pretty simple concept to me
That being said, 3rd gen was my favorite as a kid, so I'm pretty damn excited this is finally happening.
(05-07-2014, 03:09 PM)Helmo Wrote: [ -> ]also damn so fast...!?
they already have the 3ds engine and all the pokemon models
Skipped 3rd gen as well, didn't like the designs of most of the pokemon in them.
would get Omega Ruby
IF I HAD A 3DS ;_______________;
youre guys are all poops
gen 3 = best gen. totally buying day 1.
(i only have bias since emerald was one of my first games everrrrrr)
personally i cant wait for Verne Diamond and Wells Pearl
gen iv needs remakes too!!
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