My mom won about $3000.00 in Roulette once. My mom witnessed me play video games before.
I witnessed me beat Mewtwo with Caterpie and I did beat Mewtwo with Caterpie proof (yes it is my account of video below in this post and yes it is my voice in video below in this post) :
I beat all three Donkey Kong Country games before. (Donkey Kong Country, all completed at 101% Donkey Kong Country 2, all completed at 102% and Donkey Kong Country 3, all completed at 105%) I did it one game after the other and it took a very long time and I was very tired of video games and did not want to play videogames for a week.
I visited a website called before. My mom and dad watched me visit before once. My aunt and uncle observed me logging into America Online in 1997.
Wait, what? You can get 105% on DKC 3? I thought it only went to 104%.
(05-09-2014, 04:55 AM)ZeldaClassicEXPERT Wrote: [ -> ]My mom witnessed me play video games before.
Same. My mom found some Nintendo Powers under my mattress and caught me mid-game in the bathroom

(05-09-2014, 08:37 AM)Paladin Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, what? You can get 105% on DKC 3? I thought it only went to 104%.
Yeah - there's the TUFST code in the original DKC3 where you have no DK barrels or continue barrels. You get an extra 2% upon total completion.
I tried that once myself on the GBA version. Getting the 105% was so worth it!
Speaking of game challenges, I once went through the Adventure of Link without getting hit once a single time with the help of 3DS save states. Considering how often it is to get yourself hit in that game, not even using save states made my task a whole lot easier. All it did was prolong the challenge instead of letting me just give up after getting hit once. The eagle knight guys in the great palace and the iron knuckles that throw knives were the worst.
(05-09-2014, 04:55 AM)ZeldaClassicEXPERT Wrote: [ -> ][video][/video]
if you wanna embed a video, you have to do
today i for some reason i kicked ass at a pool game with my friends
seriously i managed to put in all the balls in one turn, and after my friend played i put in the 8 ball with a double rebound
it was seriously epic
i got semifinals at a pokemon event when i was babby
i got r4 (just outside of semis) then lost to a person who popped out his cartridge to get a rematch when he was losing then i lost at vgc
i won a free copy of pokemon battle revolution at a gamestop tourney once
i got a free copy of smash bros brawl at a gamecrazy tourney
i used to be good at games but now all i play is shitty mobas and i'm not

I (myself) once finished Majora's Mask, with all masks and all hearts... Once.
My mum witnessed it.
I won a free game on GOG by solving a puzzle. Probably won it because of this cat image I've drawn on it. It wasn't even a good cat image.
I've won Metroid Prime Trilogy by going on a tangent on why Samus actually is a great persona, where the actual contest was to give a reason why Samus is bad-ass. Guess my extensive knowledge of video games had paid off.
I've got mentioned in a Pop Fiction video on GameTrailers.
My mom witnessed my birth
In all honesty, your mother should be proud that she gets to give birth and raise someone like you.
(05-10-2014, 07:44 PM)E-Man Wrote: [ -> ]In all honesty, your mother should be proud that she gets to give birth and raise someone like you.
Back off, Gors is mine!! > : - ( !!
A character I made is being used by the safety board for Elementary Schools in my area.
I haven't seen the poster since, so I don't know if they ever put them in use, but I won a contest for the schools last year for some recycling campaign.