Now ripping from Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. I'll probably rip more, but I don't know when because I don't know when I'll have time x.x
EDIT: oh, I forgot to say, this is a Wii game, and I'll make the section icon soon... I think xD
Haha, thanks x3
A friend of mine just told me he didn't see anything xD (but I see a blue-ish background, so I see them, I guess it's the explorer)
(05-03-2009, 04:08 PM)Mageker Wrote: [ -> ]A friend of mine just told me he didn't see anything xD (but I see a blue-ish background, so I see them, I guess it's the explorer)
Most likely, because I always get a white background with transparent PNGs.
Should I add the inverted pallet too? If not, some people won't be able to see the font without opening it in PSP or something like that :/
Hmm... is this icon good? if it's not I can make another one...
![[Image: tosdotnwsection.png]](
You don't need to invert it - people can see it on tSR since the background it'll be on won't be white

Nice rip

Oh, thanks for telling, Dazz

Another rip here.
![[Image: tosdotnwtitlescreenicon.png]](
Thanks =D
Another one, a monster... well it's more like a boss. It's the first monster you fight in the game, and it never appears again.
![[Image: tosdotnwlucreciaicon.png]](
Palmacosta in the beginning of the game.
Also, does anyone now how to open/view textures in .bin format? D=
The way I'm using right now is really hard and slow because I have to play the game to get the textures, so it would be awesome if someone could help Dx
![[Image: tosdotnwpalmacosta1icon.png]](
Another monster. I won't be able to get much more until I fix some errors here and there...
![[Image: blackbaticon.png]](
Awesome job - also, .bin is a very universal extension, there really is no telling how to rip it until you look into it.