Hey there! Im new to the forum! I always liked this site. Hope I can help contributing. The game is Sonic Unleashed for the Wii, Xbox360, PS2 and PS3 ^^ its my first sheet hope you like em!
A lot of the poses look a bit awkward, and the colour is of really low contrast. The stretchy arms don't really match style either.
Moving to Sprite Discussion for improvement.
Hey dabbido,
It's me, Saiya-Kun.
Isn't he supposed to be bulkier? Looks like you just added bigger arms.
And what the hell is happening to his arms when he swings and goes pole to pole? They magically grow larger.
And his running is facing the back. O_O
Edits are not supposed to look like edits, they're supposed to look like they fit in-game, that's why you're editing so it looks like it would fit.
(10-06-2008, 08:34 PM)TheSaiyanHog Wrote: [ -> ]Hey dabbido,
It's me, Saiya-Kun.
Hey, Saiya-kun,
It's me, Mr. Stopspammingthethreadyoucould'vetakenthattoPMs.
Welcome Dabbido, to TSR. Your sheet DOES still need some work, including but not limited to:
1. Having the SUPER-large and long arms might need a bit of reducing... In places, a lot...
2. I'm pretty sure the "Walking" pose is not the same as the were-hog's is IN game, but since the game's not out yet, I can't critique much in this.
3. Make the "run" pose actually face to the right, not INTO the screen. If you're trying to make this Advance-style, you have to make that match. (Perhaps you're making this fit into those similar sprites from Sonic Advance 3, right?)
4. The stretchy arms effects could use a little bit of work. Speed blurring also helps.
5. And yes, Sonic's body should be chunkier.
6. The "idle" poses ("primary stance") look okay for a base. However, you need it to seem that he is "standing" with a curved back, as if his top half of his body is really heavy and his arms are pulling him down. Like a gorilla, almost.
7. DON'T GIVE UP ON THIS! These are the first STWH (Sonic the Were-hog) sprites I've ever seen, and it'd be great to have them on TSR first!
Stop dissing that, it's awsome!
I'd like to see you come up with something better.
Still, keep up the good work
...You're not serious, are you?
I think we can all say we've done better. The whole point is to give the OP advice so he improves.
Now stop creating arguments where there weren't any.
They're trying to give him the BEST criticism they can give him. If he didnt get criticism, he won't improve with spriting.
Thank you. Hopefully, this sheet will take a good turn...
I think Sonic the Werehog is supposed to be bulkier but this is very nice looking. It's just the arms shouldn't be so "super extendo-stretchy" like that.
Oh and, this is my opinion but some of the pole-to-pole animations looks a little like he's whippin' it out.
That's how the arms are in the game. Stretchy.
You mean, in the preview movies, seeing as the game's not out yet...
Perhaps we should wait until we are given more information about the game and more movie "references" so's you can make the sheet a bit better, Dabbido.
Thank you guys! I know I need improvement thanks for the tips, as for the stretchy arms they ARE stretchy search "sonic unleashed e3 trailer" and youll see, Ill try to improve ><
They're stretchy to give the game a more cartoony feel, I'm thinking.
SEGA hates Sonic + Violence.
Cept with Shadow.
And that one sequel coming up that doesn't exist.
By the way, Were-Sonic has more of a build. He's also more hairy. He doesn't walk so normal. And why is his running pose facing diagonally away from the screen compared to... ...Everything else? His jump probably isn't like that either. Concerning the ... arm stretching... Even if it is "cartoony", please pay attention to elbow joints. He appears to be bending his arm at the wrong locations for the Pole-to-Pole poses. For ledge climbing... it looks too unnatural. He's climbing and swinging up while stiff. If that was animated, you'd clearly be able to see how odd it is.
That last animation + the text above it makes me dislike you with great intensity.
So, fix all that and try again.
(10-08-2008, 09:26 AM)Geo the Fox Wrote: [ -> ]They're stretchy to give the game a more cartoony feel, I'm thinking.
SEGA hates Sonic + Violence.
Cept with Shadow.
And that one sequel coming up that doesn't exist.
By the way, Were-Sonic has more of a build. He's also more hairy. He doesn't walk so normal. And why is his running pose facing diagonally away from the screen compared to... ...Everything else? His jump probably isn't like that either. Concerning the ... arm stretching... Even if it is "cartoony", please pay attention to elbow joints. He appears to be bending his arm at the wrong locations for the Pole-to-Pole poses. For ledge climbing... it looks too unnatural. He's climbing and swinging up while stiff. If that was animated, you'd clearly be able to see how odd it is.
That last animation + the text above it makes me dislike you with great intensity.
So, fix all that and try again.
Yeah I havent included the normal run, that one is an extra =P anyways I feel like giing up, making his arms stretch without looking awkward is hard to me

Ill keep trying and thanks for the feedback!