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(06-10-2014, 12:40 AM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ]STOP THIS ENTIRE THREAD RIGHT NOW

I am really sad they brought him back in this way. I mean, Project Spark seems like the exact kind of thing I'm into, what with heavy customization, game making, etc, but with Conker slapped on the whole thing feels unclean. I can guarantee that the first game I'd want to make with it is a game where Conker tracks down and tortures Rare and Microsoft execs.

Actually, I still kind of want it now. FUCK.
You know, if you take his "guess we'll have to make our own" comment out of the context used for Project Spark and considering that there are other game developers (including the indie ones) and devoted fans ready to make good fan games, it's almost like there's another meaning in what Conker is trying to say.
I want to know what goes on today with Nintendo, but I'm just starting my shift and my phone can't run much else except this forum.

So spam this thread all day with good and bad news so I can check it out around lunch.

Prease. I was a good boy this year.
1 hour 20 minutes until Nintendo time. If y'all want a recap for the previous events, I took the time to document all the games mentioned, though I may've missed some of the indie games that they were throwing quicker than they could show footage of.
Miis in smash, cool beans

Also, I liked the robot chicken opening
Yeah... but three of them?
His body is ready, guys!

Yarn Yoshi looks way better than that 3DS game. Also, a Captain Toad game? Nice.
jesus christ open world zelda oh my goooooooooood

[12:25:34 PM] Vipershark: bayonettaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[12:26:14 PM] Vipershark: the one game worth buying a wii u for
*peach, link, and samus costumes*
[12:26:56 PM] Vipershark: I'M DONE
[12:27:07 PM] Vipershark: BAYO 1 PORT FOR FREE
[12:27:11 PM] Vipershark: AHHHHHH
[12:27:30 PM] Vipershark: I GUESS I'M GETTING A WII U
I'm more excited than I should be for that Captain Toad game!

Seriously, it looks like goddamn sex.
Cue screaming from certain forum members
HOLY SHIT!!! Was that Star Fox at the end?
nintendo actually won e3 how the fuck

(06-10-2014, 11:48 AM)HandToeKnee Wrote: [ -> ]HOLY SHIT!!! Was that Star Fox at the end?

it was
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