I clicked on this once and it opened 7 attachments. Awesome picture though.
This is amazing. The style seems improved from the mario one, but maybe I just like the colours better.
I must say, I'm... honestly not sure what you were aiming for here.
I mean, I get it, but it's not really even coherent or anything. You just kind of randomly copy/pasted a bunch of stuff of similar colors over the background and there's still a lot of empty space regardless.
The ground in particular is just a bunch of vehicles randomly copied and pasted over each other and overlapping and nothing is really actually aligning to the pixels in the background or anything.
I was expecting something more along the lines of our Giant Pixel
![[Image: giantpixel1complete.png]](http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e140/Vipershark/giantpixel1complete.png)
or even your Mario from the last thread where all the sprites more or less each aligned to one pixel (outside of mario's face which has overlapping) but this one is just a bunch of stuff randomly thrown onto a canvas.
I'll step in though and say that it's not supposed to be, act or look like pixelart. It's a collage. It's meant to be seen from far away to make the irregular placement of the sprites 'melt' together and look like one, as in pointillism.
This being said, it's cool, but I'd spend time on the character sprites instead of background, because you seemed to paste a shitton of same sprites when ideally, you's want to spread them better. For example there are too many taxis on the left side, but not too much on the right side. I think that varying your collage more would make the effect bigger to be honest.
Yeah, I'm aware that it's a collage
Like I said above, I get what he was going for, but it just... seems kind of sloppily done, I guess? Stuff seems to just be randomly thrown about because the colors are close as opposed to being where they are for a reason.

first thank you for the comments.
I must say I expanded my canvas too much (i started with just the character on the left and decided to include a burning alien to be able to use explosion etc)
I also realised during the process that :
-maybe I should have respected some sort of unit 1 character = 1 pixel or 1c = 2p.
Vipershark"The ground in particular is just a bunch of vehicles randomly copied and pasted over each other and overlapping and nothing is really actually aligning to the pixels in the background or anything."my plan at the beginning was to make some sort of scene with a bunch of characters I didn't want to stick too much to each pixels..
-I would not have enough different characters of the same color to fill in everything
I spent really too much time on this one but i forced myself to finish it.
for next time I ll take more time to plan the big picture and the way i ll arrange the little images depending on the different sprites I have .
It is nice to have feed back

have a good week end
I really like this.
Also, if this is something you do often you could likely benefit from keeping it all in one thread. Like a "Koztar's Art Thread" or something along the lines of that. Keep everything tidy and all in one place!

*facepalm* Oh comeon, man. There's no original art in that! It's just a bunch of copy-pasta'd sprites in a...a...
*Waits for image to load*
Oh...Oh my god...That is...that's...*Image finishes loading*
*Falls out of seat*
My mind was blown when I realized the flame were made out of hundreds of other explosions.
Michael Bay would be proud of that explosion. ;___;