Considering all you've done for this web site, I'm surprised nobody mentioned your special day sooner. Anyway, have a good one!
Hope you have a great birthday, RTB!
happy birthday, real-time battle
ha, ha, good one dweebs
birthdays don't talk
(oh hbd RTB)
random talking bush in general discussion
![[Image: emot-toot.gif]](
Happy Birthday Spontaneous Speaking Shrub.
Happy birthday RTB! Hope it's a good one

Thanks, everyone! I got a few games from my friends as gifts on Steam, which is certainly more than I expected (nothing at all,
nothing at all!).
- The Ahrpl skin for Derpl in Awesomenauts, from Nusanagi
- Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior, from Apoc Hedgie (my younger brother), along with
something that apparently went missing which I'll receive later Skreeletor, for Awesomenauts.
- Fez, from Mister Prawn (who's also a member on this forum)
- Pac-Man Championship Edition DX, from MalamiteLTD
So far, I've been having a good day, even if the temperature's making me feel lazy.

(06-13-2014, 06:19 PM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: [ -> ]- Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior, from Apoc Hedgie (my younger brother), along with something that apparently went missing which I'll receive later.
I'm glad there's no quotes around "missing" there. For the first time ever Steam actually ate my money and didn't give me anything in return. Once my support ticket gets answered hopefully I get the thing I paid for so you can have it. Plus the whole go to the Mandarin and also go-karting when I have money.
Happy Birthday.