(06-18-2014, 02:38 PM)StarSock64 Wrote: [ -> ]Some of the posts on the tumblr seem kind of unnecessary... Like, I don't know how I feel about posting entire chat logs... That doesn't really seem okay.
I think, under normal circumstances, I'd agree. However, given the severity of the accusations here, an abundance of evidence is extremely important for a variety of reasons. Chat logs, if they can be verified of course, serve that purpose well and I think posting them makes sense here.
(06-18-2014, 02:56 PM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]Finally.
I'm actually speechless for the first time on the Internet but god damn it's about time.
Oh hey what ever happened to Toadkarter I wonder if he has a position on this :I
Though I'm kind of curious why you'd bring this up, Dazz - we're talking about Psyguy here, not al-Baghdadi or even a Kardashian
Actually I'm more curious if you guys had a fallout after TSR was hosted on Fireball20xl or something - IDK I feel like his guy's been exploiting people ever since I stumbled upon Fireball20xl and realized he's probably not paying any of those teenagers to host their sprite comics
Considering how much trouble he gave to both you and Toadkarter, I'm glad you're relieved by all of this.
It makes my blood boil to see people like Psyguy do all these rotten deeds in the past and practically get away with it. I don't approve of people who act like him towards others (especially if they want to profit to the point of making others harbor negative feelings that won't go away), which is why this turn of events against Psyguy pleases me.
(06-18-2014, 02:56 PM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]Though I'm kind of curious why you'd bring this up, Dazz - we're talking about Psyguy here, not al-Baghdadi or even a Kardashian
And why are you thanking the post, Petie? I thought Wa-Chow podcasts were available via your...
uh, podcast-linking-portal. I assumed you were also on good terms with Psy :Q
Actually I'm more curious if you guys had a fallout after TSR was hosted on Fireball20xl or something - IDK I feel like his guy's been exploiting people ever since I stumbled upon Fireball20xl and realized he's probably not paying any of those teenagers to host their sprite comics
Missed that before.
I can't truly speak for Dazz but if I had to guess, I'd imagine he's bringing it up because, like it or not, Psyguy is a part of the site's history. There has long been bad blood, for lack of a better term, between them but none of us ever knew, assuming everything that's being posted is true (and I have no reason to doubt that it is), just how far he took things. Given that this site started off on his server, people who know our history may seek him out for their own start and be screwed as a result so I think, if I had to guess Dazz's motivation, it's just to spread the word and try to prevent this from happening to others.
As for why I'm liking these posts, it's more or less for the same reason as well as some personal experience with his selfishness (though not nearly on the level of most of the rest of these stories). If you read the post Kail made (found
here), you'll pretty much see my stance because we shared the same experience with him (given that we started Muscle Tower together). Personally, I was never a fan of his, he was just someone I had heard of through others. However, his show was popular, we needed visitors, he needed a place to go that wouldn't cost him a fortune, and we felt like giving him a shot, figuring he had grown up since the sprites.fireball20xl.com days. We were wrong.
As for a falling out, I can't really say. I wasn't around for that part of the site's history. The one assumption I can make though is that the "server crash" that led to the loss of tSR's early data was no accident. He has a documented history of supposed crashes but, incredibly, only the data of those he doesn't care for gets lost in the process.
So, with all of that combined, I think there's good reason to put this all out in the open, and that's just from our perspective. If you read (and believe) the rest of those posts, you'll see that he's done some absolutely horrible things, repeatedly, and the word needs to be spread to keep that pattern from continuing.
After reading about the outrage for a few days, I know by now that Psyguy is nothing but a misogynist, a sociopath, and a scurvy little spider.
Kudos if you get that last reference.

I remember like right before I joined tSR, I tried talking to Psyguy, and the vibe I got from him was "Oh god no thank you" because he was a little pushy and demanding and even as a 13 year old, I knew to stay away from that BS (I doubt he'd even remember me because we talked maybe all of once, I asked him for advice on how to make comics because that was a big thing for me, he suggested that I helped him with his and tried really fucking hard to get me to do so, and I told him "no I wanna make my own content" and I remembering him getting mad and refusing to answer my original question after that. Wasn't even sure if I used the Lunyka Alias at that point yet or not, I don't have the best ability to remember things). Then I joined tSR shortly after that, found the community to be of cool people, and the rest is history.
(06-18-2014, 03:40 PM)Petie Wrote: [ -> ]I can't truly speak for Dazz but if I had to guess, I'd imagine he's bringing it up because, like it or not, Psyguy is a part of the site's history. There has long been bad blood, for lack of a better term, between them but none of us ever knew, assuming everything that's being posted is true (and I have no reason to doubt that it is), just how far he took things. Given that this site started off on his server, people who know our history may seek him out for their own start and be screwed as a result so I think, if I had to guess Dazz's motivation, it's just to spread the word and try to prevent this from happening to others.
As for why I'm liking these posts, it's more or less for the same reason as well as some personal experience with his selfishness (though not nearly on the level of most of the rest of these stories). If you read the post Kail made (found here), you'll pretty much see my stance because we shared the same experience with him (given that we started Muscle Tower together). Personally, I was never a fan of his, he was just someone I had heard of through others. However, his show was popular, we needed visitors, he needed a place to go that wouldn't cost him a fortune, and we felt like giving him a shot, figuring he had grown up since the sprites.fireball20xl.com days. We were wrong.
Even if Psyguy wasn't a big part of the site's history and he only acted hateful to a small group of people, it still doesn't make the situation anymore forgivable. I don't know why he acts the way he does, but it's completely uncalled for when Psyguy tortures and verbally abuses anyone at all (let alone someone like Dazz).
What makes my stomach turn even more is that this guy is 31 years old! If this was the kind of behavior coming out of a 14-year-old (or anyone under the age of 20 for that matter), I could slightly understand it; however, calling him a man-child at this point would be more of a compliment. It's made worse by the fact that Psyguy came back to Dazz's territory and still refused to make up for his own spiteful actions in the past, even when everyone else gave him another reasonable chance.
(06-18-2014, 05:01 PM)Kat Wrote: [ -> ]I remember like right before I joined tSR, I tried talking to Psyguy, and the vibe I got from him was "Oh god no thank you" because he was a little pushy and demanding and even as a 13 year old, I knew to stay away from that BS (I doubt he'd even remember me because we talked maybe all of once, I asked him for advice on how to make comics because that was a big thing for me, he suggested that I helped him with his and tried really fucking hard to get me to do so, and I told him "no I wanna make my own content" and I remembering him getting mad and refusing to answer my original question after that. Wasn't even sure if I used the Lunyka Alias at that point yet or not, I don't have the best ability to remember things). Then I joined tSR shortly after that, found the community to be of cool people, and the rest is history.
Yeah, if someone gives off an overall negative vibe (especially on purpose), chances are they're not the kind of people you want to be around. I'm glad that most of the community here doesn't want to give that kind of vibe anymore and want to be more accepting and helpful to others.
Ehmm, E-Man, you're making a lot of posts and sounding pretty involved, but you've made it clear you don't know much about the guy outside of what these people have said about him
Like, I don't mean to impose, but when you act all outraged and make detailed claims about a guy you don't know anything about, it comes across as pretty naive
It's natural to have a reaction and a certain level of disgust, but it's a little much...
Not that I don't believe the accusations, because I do believe most of them, but I think it's important to keep things in perspective!
Sorry about that, Starsock. I was getting all worked up because I actually received similar treatment to what Dazz got from Psyguy and I find it unfair that anyone has to deal with the same kind of problems I dealt with.
Also honestly with the advice you gave me just then, I literally gave myself that advice when dealing with him a decade ago and your commentary isn't needed so much. :X
Also Psyguy was actually a big part of the site's history, like seriously what are you even saying? He is part of the reason why we even exist in the first place, and if thats not a big part of being apart of a website's history I have no idea what is.
Yeah, I can relate with that kind of empathy. I tend to get more riled up when a problem resonates with me personally too. It's just important to keep that in check because no good ever comes from internet "battles" that become primarily emotion and assumptions. It seems like you get that though.
Um, to get back on topic...
I was reading through Dazz's statements and I'm a little confused about the bit where psyguy and trunks make "a bunch of t-shirts, mugs, all that sort of shit on cafepress."
...Like, shirts that make fun of Dazz and tsr...? or...?
(06-18-2014, 07:27 PM)StarSock64 Wrote: [ -> ]...Like, shirts that make fun of Dazz and tsr...? or...?
ill take 20
(06-18-2014, 07:30 PM)Helmo Wrote: [ -> ]ill take 20
![[Image: tumblr_n72rqkdMIA1s8ouhxo1_500.gif]](https://24.media.tumblr.com/2984afae493783c343c4811ee802e7f6/tumblr_n72rqkdMIA1s8ouhxo1_500.gif)
Is this the same Psyguy that makes the voices for the "Does a thing" videos?
I'm pretty sure he actually writes them if memory serves (he might do voices too idk i only saw one)
if there was ever a specific person that I officially decided I never want to meet irl it'd be psyguy