(06-21-2014, 11:55 AM)Ngamer01 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know if Psyguy can be criminally charged with anything with statue of limitations, but he really needs to be taken down several pegs.
He very-much
can be charged. If he is, however, is something I cannot discuss.
Psy's art is shoddy because he rarely draws since he has no reason to. He can easily get some poor sap to draw whatever he wants for him, and has done so numerous times.(Even getting someone to make his
sprite comic for him) The times he does draw is often due to the subject-matter being the current big-thing, like the Dangan Ronpa fanart you showed. (it was a big thing on tumblr again for a while due to getting translated or something)
Even his music remixes are just him finding midis someone else made and poorly editing them.(since apparently he cannot edit midis in whatever software he uses)
He's also been deleting critiques of his works, proving he's not interested in improving his drawing or music skills. <:/
(06-21-2014, 02:39 PM)Ekoi Wrote: [ -> ]Psy's art is shoddy because he rarely draws since he has no reason to. He can easily get some poor sap to draw whatever he wants for him, and has done so numerous times.(Even getting someone to make his sprite comic for him) The times he does draw is often due to the subject-matter being the current big-thing, like the Dangan Ronpa fanart you showed. (it was a big thing on tumblr again for a while due to getting translated or something)
You know, I tried
really really hard not to mention this in my post as I didn't think it was relevant to his actual ability
but this is exactly what Psyguy does. It was actually difficult to put that post together because this guy even makes
other people make sprite comics for him...
Making a sprite comic isn't even that hard. It takes like 20 minutes and the hard part is writing them (and that isn't even hard)
I can actually imagine Psy like breaking a sweat moving his mouse around to click and take Sonic sprites out of spritesheets to make it perfect, wiping his brow and exclaiming "This is tough work! Maybe I could ASK someone to make this and I'll just write them instead~!"
Does he actually like, commission artists though (I'm pretty sure this happens often) or do said poor saps actually draw his ref all the time for free?
it's like this guy's sleaziness know no bounds
I remember visiting Fireball20xl after randomly discovering it on a Sonic fansite way back in 2001. Yeah, that long.
Psy originally had a sprite section too, which is what got me interested in spriting to begin with
Only read That's my Sonic, never cared for the other comics. His characters were just bland knockoffs of video game, and anime characters.
After the sprites moved to another site. I stopped going there, and decided to try console emulation and sprite ripping out around 2003.
Didn't join here until 2005 when it was still brand new.
After reading that. Yeah, he sounds like a real douchebag. Glad i stopped visiting his site.
(06-22-2014, 06:47 AM)dolphman Wrote: [ -> ]After reading that. Yeah, he sounds like a real douchebag.
You know, I was going to try and avoid saying this part. But pretty much everyone already said it spot on.
That and I honestly think that, even in real life he kind of looks a bit fucked up too, after looking at the blog and seeing his Facebook page. I mean to be honest with you he's one of those fat neck beard slobs that, even if some people didn't know who he was or what he did they'd probably avoid him.
I wouldn't be saying this to just blatantly shit talk about the guy ether. It's more or less observations. I've dealt with a similar scumbag before.
In short. I feel kind of bad for the people who had to, or continue to deal with this guy. I sympathize with the emotional baggage they have to deal with.
EDIT: To be fair, I barely know him. But with what's been said I can't help but ponder into this and actually say what I think. I'm being pretty serious about that too. When I said that I feel bad for the people who had to deal with this shit I really meant it.
No, there's really nothing I can joke about this unless it's through sarcastic remarks about how sleazy he sounds and looks.
Well, honestly
Even if this dude is really a terrible person, talking shit about him won't actually change anything, will it? I'd say let's move on and let Law do its job.
Okay, I forgot about who this guy was, but, wasn't his asshole behavior the reason tSR changed management? Or rather, one of the reasons, as I also recall to remember that tSR also changed host because the old one kept crapping out?
I'm not really sure about shit anymore, it was around the same time I fell into a depression.
(06-22-2014, 08:30 AM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]Well, honestly
Even if this dude is really a terrible person, talking shit about him won't actually change anything, will it? I'd say let's move on and let Law do its job.
Actually, I can say with a little experience here that moving on is exactly what you shouldn't do.
I've mostly dealt with more extreme cases of child abuse, but there's a similar thread here, aside from him just being a jackass (which isn't actually illegal) a lot of these accusation cover things like soliciting minors, attempted sexual activity with a minor, receiving funds through illegitimate means, and even sex tourism.
(Even if you don't sleep with a minor it's still illegal to attempt it, or to put them into a sexual situation, doubly so if you're crossing state lines to do it)
The fact of the matter is that the legal system has a tendency to sweep these things aside if it isn't a scandal or a major coup, this is why so many people get away with it.
What we're looking at here is two different angles that can be taken in cases like these, when it's off the radar and you're dealing with secretive or "anonymous" people there's room for leverage ("Stop doing X or we will release information to law enforcement or to the public"), which to be frank is a scare tactic.
The other angle, which applies in this case, is pressure, a public figure and public information needs the pressure maintained to ensure it doesn't just fizzle out and get ignored, which basically just means you can't "move on" and let the situation play out, you need to kick up a fuss and keep it in the spotlight until it's dealt with.
If that means badmouthing him and veering off-point with petty belittling or insults, so be it, because if support dies out the campaign is lost and everyone moves on like it never happened.
And that is nothing but a losing prospect, not least of which because if he "gets away with it" that can only prove to him that there's no reason to stop doing these things, I have little interest in having him pay for his past actions, my main concern is always simply preventing it from happening again.
(06-22-2014, 08:30 AM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]Well, honestly
Even if this dude is really a terrible person, talking shit about him won't actually change anything, will it? I'd say let's move on and let Law do its job.
Psy's rep and ego are all he has, and the majority of his past staff individually confessing the shittiness of his past is both a huge blow against that and removes fuel to feed it.
Again, I cannot talk about what is actually happening regarding involving the law. Until the case actually goes public, that's privileged information.

(06-22-2014, 09:24 AM)GaryCXJk Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, I forgot about who this guy was, but, wasn't his asshole behavior the reason tSR changed management? Or rather, one of the reasons, as I also recall to remember that tSR also changed host because the old one kept crapping out?
I'm not really sure about shit anymore, it was around the same time I fell into a depression.
I make mention of this in the post that I wrote for Tumblr:
(06-22-2014, 09:29 AM)PatientZero Wrote: [ -> ] (06-22-2014, 08:30 AM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]Well, honestly
Even if this dude is really a terrible person, talking shit about him won't actually change anything, will it? I'd say let's move on and let Law do its job.
Actually, I can say with a little experience here that moving on is exactly what you shouldn't do.
I've mostly dealt with more extreme cases of child abuse, but there's a similar thread here, aside from him just being a jackass (which isn't actually illegal) a lot of these accusation cover things like soliciting minors, attempted sexual activity with a minor, receiving funds through illegitimate means, and even sex tourism.
(Even if you don't sleep with a minor it's still illegal to attempt it, or to put them into a sexual situation, doubly so if you're crossing state lines to do it)
The fact of the matter is that the legal system has a tendency to sweep these things aside if it isn't a scandal or a major coup, this is why so many people get away with it.
What we're looking at here is two different angle that can be taken in cases like these, when it's off the radar and you're dealing with secretive or "anonymous" people there's room for leverage ("Stop doing X or we will release information to law enforcement or to the public"), which to be frank is a scare tactic.
The other angle, which applies in this case, is pressure, a public figure and public information needs the pressure maintained to ensure it doesn't just fizzle out and get ignored, which basically just means you can't "move on" and let the situation play out, you need to kick up a fuss and keep it in the spotlight until it's dealt with.
If that means badmouthing him and veering off-point with petty belittling or insults, so be it, because if support dies out the campaign is lost and everyone moves on like it never happened.
And that is nothing but a losing prospect, not least of which because if he "gets away with it" that can only prove to him that there's no reason to stop doing these things, I have little interest in having him pay for his past actions, my main concern is always simply preventing it from happening again.
However it is not that i want him to get away from it, but talking shit about him in a thread in a forum that has little to do with him will not make things better for anyone.
It's obvious that things need to be taken care of, but looking back, the posts were all a variation of 'yeah, he did sick stuff' and 'he gotta be punished somehow' and nothing else. Law exists exactly for this purpose and i believe we dont need to stoop as low as him to actually get things done correctly.
However, If you all want to call him douchebag multiple times until he's charged for his crimes, its ok i guess.
(06-22-2014, 10:43 AM)Ekoi Wrote: [ -> ]Psy's rep and ego are all he has, and the majority of his past staff individually confessing the shittiness of his past is both a huge blow against that and removes fuel to feed it.
While this is true, aren't there still a few supporters for psy though?
Actually truth be told I lurked a bit out of sheer interest in the whole deal and found this: https://twitter.com/itsamike/status/478493787216707584. Assuming this guy is one of Psy's personal friends I'm still willing to bet that there are a few people who care about him.
I'm not saying that it's enough support for him to get out of this, (Disregard this part, apparently the guy is nuetral) As long as Psyguy still has a few supporters he's probably going to make an ass of himself until the end.
(06-22-2014, 11:33 AM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]However it is not that i want him to get away from it, but talking shit about him in a thread in a forum that has little to do with him will not make things better for anyone.
It's obvious that things need to be taken care of, but looking back, the posts were all a variation of 'yeah, he did sick stuff' and 'he gotta be punished somehow' and nothing else. Law exists exactly for this purpose and i believe we dont need to stoop as low as him to actually get things done correctly.
However, If you all want to call him douchebag multiple times until he's charged for his crimes, its ok i guess.
I understand where you're coming from and even had the exact same thought myself initially. The issue is that the law will never reach him if the situation blows over and it will blow over if people stop talking about him. Sure, calling him names isn't exactly productive or professional but if those are the only contributions some people have to make, then so be it - it keeps the spotlight on him and that's what's important if we want anything to come of this.
Edit: That being said, we should attempt to keep things civil where possible so if you
do have something to contribute beyond name calling, definitely go with that. And if you don't, try to come up with something first.
I've got to say that I'm not about to lose any sleep over people making fun of him, the man's an abusive manipulator, the fact that he's also a total hack and an idiot are pretty much arbitrary, he's lucky if people focus on those minor aspects.
There's a reason people stick to the hooks and barbs they can get an easy grip on though, you'll see it every time a story breaks, people as a whole find it much easier to judge someone over something they can digest, if they're lazy, or fat, or they have a stupid name, or any number of minor (even imagined) slights.
Saying "god, he's so fat and stupid" (or something along those lines) is a lot easier to say than "god, he's a rapist" or "god, he's a paedophile", and it's a healthy reaction, even in situations where there are people running full on child pornography rings and there is absolutely no hint of a grey area, most of the jibes and taunting will be childish jokes about how stupid they are.
If you ask me I think it's because it's easier to manufacture or cling to childish reasons to hate someone, some things just go beyond hate, where you have no frame of reference to tell you how it should make you feel.
That's just my take on it, if I'm honest even having more experience than I'd like with these things, I don't have a guaranteed answer.
Actually, that pretty much explains how most people react and pretty much how I ended up responding. If anything PatientZero has it spot on in regards to shit talking Psyguy or any other fool like Psy.
It's generally because people are just in such shock that anyone would do this that it's nearly impossible to just flat out say he's a manipulator, or a pedophile, or an abusive womanizer.
You almost never hear anyone say those kind of things unless they were involved in that situation.
To be honest a part of me tried really hard not say that in my own disgust about someone I barely know, because you know I never dealt with the guy to be justified to say those things.
I'm aware what I said wasn't necessarily right or in an adult manner, but I have had some experiences and heard a lot of stories back in the day. That's why I tend to get a bit angered when I hear about any sort of abusive or general asshole behaviors. I'm pretty sure that there are other people out there saying the same kind of things too. And to be honest after reading enough stories that was a trigger for me.
It's my excuse, sure. And I understand that not everyone will buy it. But I can't take back what I said for that reason.
To be honest, I rather just back out of this conversation myself. I already had a shitty time on tSR even without Psyguy as it was already back then, and it's actually part of the reason I only post sporadically here.
Quite frankly, one of the main reasons I stopped visiting tSR regularly was because of the constant drama, and part of the drama came from bitchfests and badmouthing. By now I actually do sincerely hope we've grown out of it. Yes, we can continue to talk about Psyguy, but please, we have to be civil. Back then, almost none of us were saints. Back when I was a moderator, I did stupid things, like being too overzealous and shit. It's one of the reasons I've decided to never be a moderator anywhere aside from my own stuff, and even then I do it begrudgingly.
Look, this site got over Psyguy a very long time ago. Heck, there were other people who were as equally buttfuck stupid. There was this entire thing that happened when tSR was first formed as a replacement to Pixeltendo, and then a splinter group wanted to continue Pixeltendo because of some shit, I forgot what happened. Not a happy time. In fact, most of my memories of both Pixeltendo and tSR were really bad.
I mean, to be fair, there were some cool people I've met, like Jonathan Explorer (Jonathan Cresswell as he apparently is called), and I'm on speaking terms with Dazz (Daniel Brown apparently?). And for some time I've wished both Jon and Rogultgot (apparently Phil Sykes) a happy birthday on August 9th, because apparently that's when they were born. But, aside from those people, I didn't really have a great time.
Hopefully all this has changed now, though, and I just wish that this site has matured well enough to not let this be yet another crusade against whatever the fuck we're chasing.
Peace out, restecp and cheers.