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My name's Cameron, but you can call me Cambert.

I like video games. A lot. My favorite series vary, but Earthbound and Wario Land are often at the top. To tell you the truth, I've gotten so busy making games and other things that I rarely play them nowadays. I'm also part artist, but it's more secondary than anything. I've rarely produced full pieces, mostly just little sketches, like my avatar.

Speaking of my avatar, he's one of my original characters: Jake, the helmet-wearing teenage sidekick. I guess you could say he's what I envision myself to be, but only in spirit. I look much different in real life.

I mostly came here for some quick advice, but this place looks nice enough to stay for a while... How are you doing?
Welcome to the Resource, Cambert! We're happy to help give you advice here, although of course it's nice if you hang around a bit too. Also I'm very well thank you Smile
Welcome to the forums, Cambert! Recently joined myself actually Tongue

I'm doing pretty good, mostly busy with music stuff and I'm toying around with a game idea, but it's nothing of note yet. How about you? Smile
welcome to vgr
im ancient golem john
im the head honcho around here so if you need anything come to me
^ This guy's joking, right? If he's the head honcho, that doesn't look good for this forum...
Anyways, welcome, Cam! You've got some good taste in games, I see Cute
Hi, welcome! Another Earthbound fan here. Nice to see you on the forums and have fun!
Your intro post smells vaugly of homestuck.
