Hi! I've been lurking around TSR for a number a years now and I thought I'd join the community finally. I hope I can contribute my own stuff to the site. Sooo see you around!
Welcome aboard! Anything you do that we'd be interested in hearing about?

Well, considering that you took a good look at our threads, I'll be looking forward to what you are going to contribute to this site. In any case, welcome aboard!
(06-24-2014, 06:57 PM)Rystar Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome aboard! Anything you do that we'd be interested in hearing about? 
Nothing much. All I can really say is that I like playing video games, I like sprite comics and I'm planning to submit stuff for Kirby Squeak Squad...sooo yea.

Oh! Well I'm sure everyone'll be glad to hear you intend to submit stuff!
You like any particular games or franchises or anything like that?
I like Smash Bros., Kingdom Hearts, Mega Man and my all time favorite is Metroid. Metroid in particular is really special to me!
welcome to the community! i hope you enjoy hanging around here and getting integrated.
I only have one thing to say to that: Awesome
I absolutely love Metroid, so I think we'll get along just fine! XD
As for me, I'm a bit of a fan of the Kingdom Hearts games (mostly the first one really), so if you want to talk about it with me, I'm all ears.
Welcome to the forums!
Hope you can find plenty to do here. :>
Welcome to the Resource, Kazumi! Enjoy your stay

Welcome to The VG Resource! Hope you have fun!