Splatoon was a bit of a miss in the E3 stream that Nintendo presented. A lot of people saw it, thought it looked a bit generic and moved on. It's awesome.
I went to a Nintendo event yesterday, and Splatoon was on demo with a 4v4 match. It was AWESOME. Best game on show from Nintendo, on par with Smash Bros.
The concept is simple - you need to paint as much of the GROUND as you can with your team's colour of ink. You travel slower in enemy ink, and at normal speed in your own - but you also travel faster in "Squid" form, which also restocks your Ink gun. When in Squid form, enemies can't see you if you're in your own coloured ink.
The game is fast paced, and very clever in how they keep the game going, and it makes dying not feel like such a chore. Similar to how Battlefield works, when you die, you can jump to a member of your party using map on your gamepad.
It's super competitive, and super fun. It's also a really cool demonstration of female characters being used in a very "this just is" kind of manner.
What do you guys think from what you've seen? Any questions?
I'm a little confused here.
For me, Splatoon was the bigger pleasant surprises. And everyone I've talked to thought it was pretty interesting. Especially for a competitive shooter (even a 3rd person one)
I mean this in the most academic and least insulting way possible, but
what sort of people do you know if they think that looked generic?
Did they mistake it for Mario Sunshine or something?
(The inklings? do look a lot like Bloopers as squids)
Honestly, if it's even half as fun as it looked, I think Nintendo might have a new big series on its hands.
Especially if the maps are varied and balanced enough.
I will be checking it out defiantly. Usually stay away from online multiplayer games, but this will be an exception. Really like the look of it.
But it's amazing how much hype Splatoon is getting. Notably, the creator of
Squid Girl posted this fanart on his Twitter after it was announced.
There hasn't been many shooters that isn't american soldiers vs nazis or terrorists for a while. Even multiplayer ones.
At least i found
Wolfenstein: The New Order enjoyable. And i can't wait for the new DooM.
When Australia's EB Games Expo comes to Sydney in October. Hopefully Nintendo will have a demo to try out.
(06-26-2014, 11:22 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]Splatoon was a bit of a miss in the E3 stream that Nintendo presented. A lot of people saw it, thought it looked a bit generic and moved on. It's awesome.
Are you sure about that? Everywhere I looked Splatoon was ultra-hyped

Splatoon looks like a game I'd play
if it were on PC
Splatoon was a miss?
For me and several other people it was by far one of the best-of-show at E3.
Have you seen the insane FLOOD of fanart people are making for it?
It's being hyped like crazy and it actually looks really good.
edit- I'm gonna edit that title because unless I missed out on something, plenty of people care A LOT ahahaha
though i can see why it'd be easy to get that impression during the reveal
the overwhelming majority of comments at the side of the stream that day were negative, like "WHAT IS THIS NOT-ZELDA NOT-METROID GARBAGE"
I didn't watch the chat during the stream so I don't know what happened there but the overwhelming majority of things I've seen about Splatoon (here and elsewhere) were extremely positive.
For a lot of people it was like "okay, I can get a Wii U now" (plus several other games, you know, but still)
The sheer amount of fanart within the first two days alone was crazy. Thousands of images just immediately popping up with people showing support.
I don't know where you heard people finding it "generic", as practically everyone thought it was one of the best parts of E3, as well as the most original shooter to have been conceived in years.
Anyway, Splatoon is tied with SSB4 as my second most anticipated game for the Wii U. (I think you can all guess what my #1 is. HINT: Look at my avatar) I love how it's a shooter that uses paint/ink rather than lethal ammo, I love the fact that you can turn into a squid, and I love the character designs and artstyle as well. Also, can I just say how cute the female player looks? Seriously, she is adorable.
When they first began showing aspects of Splatoon, I did think it was going to be a fairly generic game. Then everything turned into colorful warfare, and there were squids sliding all over the place, and the character designs were cute and appealing, and the urban art direction brought up such fond memoris of Jet Set Radio. The only thing keeping me on the fence about it is my avoidance of online games... unless its local offerings are as fun as the online ones, I probably won't be picking it up too quickly (but it's up there on my list).
I got kind of bored with hearing about Splatoon after they showed it for forever during E3. Maybe it's one of those games where it's more fun to play than it is to watch other people play.
I think the problem with the way it was handled on Treehouse was... well, we didn't need eight hours of Splatoon-dedicated footage all on the same arena.