I think you're giving yourself excuses to keep the splices. I don't think people are interested in a project consisting in edits. This may satisfy you, but I doubt it'll satisfy other members.
Anyway, I had a go at doing Lil' Mac myself:
![[Image: 7DzriBo.png]](http://i.imgur.com/7DzriBo.png)
Now, I resized the NES sprite to roughly the size of the SNES sprite. I then made a few changes to the pose, then refined the shape. I then switched to the SNES palette, and started to shade. The result is something between both games.
I hope this edit and explanation are useful!
(06-29-2014, 02:58 PM)Chris2Balls [:B] Wrote: [ -> ]I think you're giving yourself excuses to keep the splices. I don't think people are interested in a project consisting in edits. This may satisfy you, but I doubt it'll satisfy other members.
Anyway, I had a go at doing Lil' Mac myself:
![[Image: 7DzriBo.png]](http://i.imgur.com/7DzriBo.png)
Now, I resized the NES sprite to roughly the size of the SNES sprite. I then made a few changes to the pose, then refined the shape. I then switched to the SNES palette, and started to shade. The result is something between both games.
I hope this edit and explanation are useful!
This looks awesome! I see what you're trying to say. I'm sorry. This is my first time here....
Don't be sorry, it's okay to learn and make mistakes.

If you need help or advice with any work for this project, I'd be glad to provide.
Good luck!
Well 2 things I would like to show you guys
One is me and Chris2Balls edited a little of Little Mac
And a WIP of Glass Joe
![[Image: Untitled6_zps252023ce.png]](http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c383/thomasgamecomicfan6/Untitled6_zps252023ce.png)
Glass Joe's mouth could be bigger, and I don't think his ribs are visible: from what I understood, he was weak, but looked buff. I think his hair is also too dark: there's an orange on his glove's shading which you could use for the hair.
Keep going!
(07-01-2014, 07:16 AM)Chris2Balls [:B] Wrote: [ -> ]Glass Joe's mouth could be bigger, and I don't think his ribs are visible: from what I understood, he was weak, but looked buff. I think his hair is also too dark: there's an orange on his glove's shading which you could use for the hair.
Keep going!
ok! Well, I got the hair from his Arcade and wii apearence. What If I can show alternate looks on him? Like his blue attire after winning the heavyweight belt in the arcade, and his NES and Wii appearance?
A just a little update on Little Mac. I added the lower part of his body:
![[Image: Untitled_zps4ae875d5.png]](http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c383/thomasgamecomicfan6/Untitled_zps4ae875d5.png)