There's more but I have to go to bed. I'll post another one tomorrow.
Hmm, reminds me a bit of KC Green's stuff.
It's not really funny, but the drawings and facial expressions are kinda ok. Will wait and see.
Need more to judge. Can go either way at this point.
Yeah, I like the colors, and it has a nice simple style.
Second one was better, keep on going.
I really like the style.
Nice and simple, and eye catching also. It's also got some humour which doesn't suck. Hell yes.
First one was okay, then the second one was better. Looks like this comic will turn out well then. Keep going.
Lookin' all right so far. Make more.
I like how you included the xsobx
this is looking good
I made all of these last summer when I had more free time. I really wish I could make more since I have some sketched out in my Spanish notebook.
lol. Never let ugly people give you mouth-to-mouth.
That's p. rad.
Oh shit I stole someone elses comment.
It's humorous and colorful and bright.
Enough to keep my attention.
And a goldfishes, for that matter.
I really like how every character has their own colour.