Not liking it at all right now, but the Quote Birthday card Pixel made is pretty cool.
They ruined my favorite song

Don't plan on getting this, but It has motivated me to finally download the original.
Is it even any different from the original?
At least Pixel's still making money off it.
I'm not exactly sure why you wouldn't like it at all, it's pretty much a direct port. They haven't even shown any changes or anything. Just mentioned that there will be added content which they still didn't tell us yet.
I'm talking about the Midi Music and the Vectored sprites; there's an option to go back to the original game though.
Check some of the videos to see what I'm talking about.
yeah I viewed it in the small screen so I didn't really notice the difference.
If theres an option to use the originial then that's perfectly fine by me.

Good to see the game on a console
...I'm still wondering why it's on a console now. I mean, what's the point?
No complaints, though.
I know one of the pixelartists on this game. =P
...there's more than one?
I'm a little iffy about this, I mean, its great the market is expanding for this game...but part of the appeal of CS is that it's the best free game on the internet or all around.
I pretty much agree with LilGrim, it sort of gets rid of the charm of Cave Story.
I'm getting this for the sake of supporting Pixel, and because I find games more addicting on consoles.
(10-08-2008, 12:14 PM)Badassbill Wrote: [ -> ]I know one of the pixelartists on this game. =P
His name wouldn't be Badassbill, would it?
(10-08-2008, 03:25 PM)Geo the Fox Wrote: [ -> ]...there's more than one?
Yeah, I thought Pixel made this by himself?