I don't want to really comment on the personality shown by the Kongs since I haven't really seen much of them yet. Bowser's new posture and animations do give him a great deal more character than he had before, though.
As far as the Kongs personalities in the Smash franchise itself... Diddy is honestly one of the most memorable characters from the SSE. His interaction with the StarFox team is both hilarious and beautiful.
Too bad we won't get any story/cut scenes because Sakurai hates YouTube leaks.
I have to say, the one I think suffers the most in Smash regarding to characterization is Olinar. He's surprisingly generic in all his animations.
Mario suffers a lot too with all his non-smiling
Olimar's ship had more personality than himself in the SSE x.x

Olimar's personality is the inquisitive thinking type. That's hard to show off in a fighting game.
Why are we talking about silly things like character life and personality when we could be enjoying hilarious potential combo video music?

(09-22-2014, 11:30 PM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Olimar's personality is the inquisitive thinking type. That's hard to show off in a fighting game.
Which is then represented by him rolling on the ground on one of his taunts.
I mean he doesn't need to speak but we could do better than him cult-like bowing on his victory pose too. I mean, if it was a business bow it would make a lot of sense and be more in character than that
(09-22-2014, 11:00 PM)Mutsukki Wrote: [ -> ]Mario suffers a lot too with all his non-smiling
Yeah that's one thing that drives me nuts as well. Mario is
constantly angry in this game. That is not really in traditional Mario character at all and it annoys me. Other than that the personality that's been added to all the characters is superb from what I've seen. Especially with Pikachu.
One nice little detail I noticed: Rock is the only character who in his victory screens does not have any bobbing movement. This of course is because he is a robot and does not breathe. I just thought that was a nice little attention to detail.
[Edit] Oh wait I forgot about ROB.
(09-23-2014, 12:27 AM)Jermungandr Wrote: [ -> ] (09-22-2014, 11:00 PM)Mutsukki Wrote: [ -> ]Mario suffers a lot too with all his non-smiling
Yeah that's one thing that drives me nuts as well. Mario is constantly angry in this game. That is not really in traditional Mario character at all and it annoys me. Other than that the personality that's been added to all the characters is superb from what I've seen. Especially with Pikachu.
He had that problem since Brawl.
How ironic that the game that was focused on making everyone (or most characters) more expressive this time around somehow forgot to fix the flagship mascot or Nintendo.
The expressions DK makes in this game can be pretty off-putting. Did you see his teeth? *shudders*
Personally I love his toothy grins, but then again I love monkeys and apes and their creepy tooth smiles.
So I've been looking up Custom Moves every now and then, and Link, in addition to having beastly wonderful customs all around, has this little gem:
The Silver Arrows, from the original Legend of Zelda. Fully charged they can knock back and kill.
You don't say… Well, I can imagine a longer charging time to balance it out since O-KO moves usually have a catch to them.