Will not be getting the bundle, anyone wants to play smash on my console can deal with it or act like a pissy baby and pout off to the side while others enjoy themselves
The controller in the bundle is an actual gamecube controller that just connects via an adapter right? I will pass then. I am much more interested in the Gamecube-style Classic Pro controller that connects to your wiimote. Why pay for an adapter that's only good for one game when the fight pad is good for any game that can utilize the Classic controller?
It is saving me money in the long run because I will then have four available controllers for smash, which i don't currently have.
Hm, fair point. I guess I didn't think of that because I literally have no friends. The only person who comes over and plays games with me is my sister and she likes using the nunchuck for Smash.
(09-27-2014, 07:45 PM)Jermungandr Wrote: [ -> ]The controller in the bundle is an actual gamecube controller that just connects via an adapter right? I will pass then. I am much more interested in the Gamecube-style Classic Pro controller that connects to your wiimote. Why pay for an adapter that's only good for one game when the fight pad is good for any game that can utilize the Classic controller?
From my knowledge, the Gamecube controller that comes in the bundle is Wii U optimized just like the "fight pads".
I'm getting it. I only have three Gamecube controllers.
I have enough GameCube controllers, but this amazing-ass fucking pack seems like a great reason for me to now get a Wii U.
Wait I already thought you had a Wii U?
It's funny what get's people to buy a system.
(09-28-2014, 04:20 AM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Wait I already thought you had a Wii U?
It's funny what get's people to buy a system.
Right? I'm one of those people who hold the philosophy that only a couple of games or less doesn't justify shelling out a bunch of money for a game console. Unless a list of at least 5 games wanted is compiled, at the very minimum, it's not worth the investment. One of the reasons I've not gotten a PS3, since my only main interest on it is 3D Dot Game Heroes.
Well I'm kind of different.
I got the system when it first came out since I knew ahead of time it was going to have all the games I'd want to play. I knew there would be Smash, Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Zelda, and all sorts of goodies. I don't get the other systems since my friends get them. I only like a few games on other systems so it wouldn't be worth my money to get them.
I got my Wii U when the price dropped, and when TW101 and the WWHD bundle came out. The reasons why I bought a Wii U were because it has games that interest me, as well as having a big variety of games and genres to choose from.
Bundles can help make a decision. For Nintendo consoles, the library may expand slowly, but it eventually gets plenty of quality titles, such as Zelda U and Smash. I've got at least 10 games I want for a 3DS I hope to get in the future at this point. Unfortunately, some of them are Japan only, and the system is region-locked....
I got one when I could afford it, just like I got an Xbox One pretty much right after they came out. I know these consoles will have tons of games I will want to play, and they've delivered so far, like I have 5 games I want to get on tuesday, and then Smash on Saturday, and I"m going to have to choose which ones to get in the next few weeks

This isn't necessarily Sm4sh related, but there's not a regular Smash thread and I felt like this didn't warrant it's own thread