Indeed. He could still potentially appear as a DLC character. But let's be honest, Waddle Dee is kind of low on the priority totem pole for characters that deserve DLC roster slots.
I have a theory about Ridley. It looks as if he was designed to be a fighter. I think it's because the 3DS version couldn't handle him he got the boot, just like Ice Climbers.
The 3DS version should have never existed.
(10-23-2014, 06:47 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]ROY IS MY BOY
![[Image: K1WBKJ8.png]](
Also they didn't really get into too much detail with 8-player Smash. With the way the Nintendo Direct sold it, it seems like it's a 3DS-as-controller-only feature, which kinda sucks a lot. It would have been nice to plug in two GCN controller adapters and go nuts, but oh well.
oh and did anyone else roll their eyes when they revealed Mewtwo? I was actually not excited to hear about that. The whole time I was thinking "oh he better not be in online play"
btw, who's impressed with Sakurai's trolling with the Miiverse update a few days ago (with the possible DHD reveal)
see how much that clown car doesn't care
that's because that's the roy nobody gives a fuck about
that aint my boy get outta here with that shit
(10-23-2014, 06:31 PM)SchAlternate Wrote: [ -> ]So Ridley is nothing but just a fucking mess of a concept.
So close to being a playable character, attacking and being able to be knocked out and all, yet only a pixel too short.
Going by that logic, the bird guy in the magicant stage should be a playable character too
as well as like half the assist trophies
That stage builder, ouch, hours of my life just vanished.
(10-23-2014, 07:51 PM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]Also they didn't really get into too much detail with 8-player Smash. With the way the Nintendo Direct sold it, it seems like it's a 3DS-as-controller-only feature, which kinda sucks a lot. It would have been nice to plug in two GCN controller adapters and go nuts, but oh well.
Says right at the bottom of the page that you can use up to 7 Wiimotes, too.
Ridley seems a lot more developed than Birdman.
but birdman isn't hindered by the overwhelming weight of another dimension!
Is anyone else annoyed that they included another clone?
(10-23-2014, 09:06 PM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Ridley seems a lot more developed than Birdman.
Real talk, I feel that Birdman would be a lot better of a playable character than Ridley.
(10-23-2014, 09:06 PM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Ridley seems a lot more developed than Birdman.
I'll have you know that Birdman is a respected lawyer compared to Ridley.
I dunno, Ridley got me a pretty good settlement after my last space station exploded.
that's awesome that mewtwo's back now 2 out of the 5 removed from melee are back!
now all we need are the removed brawlers but that would take to much time,
also i'm wondering if there will be more dlc than just mewtwo? Maybe Rayman might be DLC instead you never know