(11-28-2014, 01:06 AM)Gwen Wrote: [ -> ]Dear Iceman,
I just think it's silly that people literally held out on buying an amazing console because they don't want to give any other controller Nintendo comes up with a chance, even though they're all great (Gamepad, pro controller, classic, heck even the wii mote's a nice controller). Lighten up, there's always the option of using the wii mote attachment one ya know, I plan on getting one because I do like the look of the Peach one! Anywho, if you really do want the adapter, I hope you find one! No need to be a butt!
Seeing "I'm gonna get the Peach one", I just realized you're talking about the PDP Fight Pads. There's just one issue with them.
They're a rehashed version of the rebranded Pelican controllers you can find at Gamestop. Literally their only saving grace is that they're now Nintendo-licensed, so they're able to borrow a few more liberties from the GCN controllers, but not by much - such as the 2 analog sticks instead of an actual C-stick.
The good thing is that they probably feel a little more legit - if anyone owns one, let me know how they feel in comparison to a GCN controller. The one thing that's offputting about them is that the ZL/ZR and L/R button placement are reversed, so if you use the L/R buttons to shield, you'll have to hit the front row of buttons (assuming you just take the controller out of the box and just use it).
I purchased one of the Hori Battle Pads recently, and honestly I love the hell out of them, especially in games that aren't Smash - they're almost spitting images of the original Gamecube controller. I'd love to use them in Mario 3D World, but haven't tried them out yet since I've been playing Smash.
They're only available in Mario and Luigi styles, but in Japan they're putting out a Pikachu one too, which might be worth picking up.
It seriously feels legit as hell.
The thing is, all the buttons on it are digital, so you don't have the analog shoulder buttons from the Gamecube controller. But really, did you need them? :/
The D-pad is also bigger =:0
To follow up with the real tourneytards here, there's zero latency (with both the PDP and Hori ones). However, I've noticed when playing online with the Hori pad, that my character's commands will sometimes come out a second later (although this is extremely rare). I never had the issue when playing offline except for playing Greninja once [which I have no idea how to use and his side-B is hard, even for me using it, to read] It might just be an issue of online latency since my internet sucks, so idk.
The only thing that's really gonna bother purists is that there's no rumble feature in the PDP or Hori one, so both will feel incredibly lightweight in comparison. I've been contemplating putting weights in the controller to replicate the feeling, but idk lol
Also I don't know why but after a straight weekend of playing Smash, the game feels like I've played the hell out of it. Sure there's challenges and stuff to do still, but aside from Master/Crazy Orders, it doesn't...feel as fun and like it's really gonna hold my attention for long.